Monday, January 25, 2010


this one might get a little wordy
congratulations Kristin from Twinkle Life
once you hand over your secret family recipe for lobster ravioli (oh my)
i'll gladly get you connected with the CSN rep for your Caphalon dish
& congratulations!

I've tried to spend the last several weeks,
while enjoying the comforts of my new comfy sofa & chairs
( i know, enough already with the new furniture)
mulling over my word for 2010
the theme, if you will of my focus

i've had several words keep surfacing
& this morning feel like it sorta came together for me
each of the words that my heart keeps going back to
are all related to my home
the shelter i provide for my family

Webster's defines shelter as
  1. a refuge from the elements
  2. the protection from a storm
  3. a shield
  4. a place under a covering
  5. to take under one's protection

most of us in this niche of blogging all share a kindred spirit
when it comes to our homes

we love the inspiration of others as we decorate
to slip cover or reupholster?
chippy paint or a natural finish?
cottage or contemporary?
organized clutter or decided minimalism?
grey paint or a chalkboard wall?

we copy & paste each others scrumptious recipes
with the desire to cook a healthy wonderful meal for our loved ones
we each try to balance the demands of our schedule with the desires of hearts
we hug,wipe away tears, pick up dirty underwear, & send little ones off to conquer their world

all done from our shelters

i'll be the first to admit

its much easier for me to straighten the pillows on my sofa
than to straighten up my grumbly spirit
its easier to keep a sparkling clean kitchen than clean up a critical mouth

there are days when i pour more words of encouragement
into the comments i leave for a fellow blogger
than into the hearts of my own children

having a house full of teenage girls has felt like a crash course in parenting
all over again
~ the players have changed their offense
~ i have much less time to figure out my own next move
~ the teens in our home outnumber the adults
~ & i've discovered, this teen"age" is maybe not their best age. they might just be a little harder to love than when they were at the proverbial cute age of 5


within the shelter of my home, grace needs to be dished out on days when its a struggle for me and the last thing that comes naturally

the shelter of my home needs to be full of
mercy when they fail
& not acting surprised
because they will

encouragement to empower them to be the successful joyful children i have set out to raise & the empowerment to do just that

the shelter of my home needs to fall within the matrix of the intentional
i have a choice to react or better yet , to respond
i will be intentional with my words
& my time spent with them individually
& not just "quality" time, but truly in "quantity"

will probably be the last full year that all 6 of us
live under the same roof

i want to live it right
i want to look back & be able to say i had a focus
i had a goal
my shelter might not be the 100 year old farmhouse that i'd love to own
but it darn well better be a place of refuge for the 5 people i love most in this world
looks like i best pull on my wellies & get some serious shelter cleaning done

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways

from psalm 91


  1. Sooooooo. It was unexpected! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! I almost did not enter. Felt weird, but I have to say girly you know I am toooooo excited! I am doing an actual happy dance. Ok, I am sitting in my office chair working, so the dance is on the inside of me, but a oh my goodness~happy dance none the less! I am thrilled beyond words and will do this dish well. Not only will I share the recipe but will post it being cooked in the dish.....oh and I will do a creme brulee recipe families favorite meal, period!

    Not to go on but your post means much. I often think I am this person trying to get it right. To make God proud with my actions and words. Heart and soul. I know it is good for me to have you in my life. To have real. To have a place that I can share even about my lime chip real to. You make me a better person Paige. Not by your words, but by your life in action to give your all to God and allow him to shine light big through you. You are awesome to me! Know this!

    love you friend.

  2. first of all...
    i am not offended in the least that you didn't think my frank n beans recipe was stellar and deserved a calphalon bowl.
    Kristin better hand over her lobster ravioli or at least make it for us and ship it overnight;-)
    beautiful post do have a way with words i tell ya.

  3. Oh wow, Paige...that was just beautiful and I really need to pour on the niceness and grace in my own home because sometimes I feel I do it better with others too...even though they are little ones.
    This weekend in church they talked about the path we are taking...was it inherited...was it one we chose...or was it one we were just following...sometimes I feel a little of all paths but not necessarily the one I want to feel all of them. I want to do the same especially when my girls get older in those teenage years that yours are in...I love your words to create a shelter.

    Bobby and I talk about how to do this a lot and actually did over the weekend ~ you always inspire me ~ look to those on a similar path and/or those that lead you where you want to go...Paige my are one of those for me because you always share your heart!

  4. Wow!! I so wished you lived in my area......then I could twist your arm to take some amazing photos of my kids. Your pictures are so neat. The setting, the way your daughter is dressed, and oh the star. them. You need a career change girl.....although I'm sure you are a talented nurse too.....I can tell by your heartfelt words.....

  5. Amen to that girl! I love your choice of word. I don't know how you are managing 3 teenage girls. I sometimes think that 1 will be the end of me but I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I hadn't thought about the fact that 2010 is also for us the last time we will all be under one roof as a family for the entire year. That sure puts things into perspective. We are dealing with boy problems here right now and it breaks my heart to watch her heart break. I'm trying to be a good Mommy. I'm running out of time. Thank you for always inspiring me to want to be better.

  6. Paige, you are truly a beautiful writer. Everytime I come here I feel the need to be better in some way. I know that even though there is just one other person in my house, I need to do the things you mentioned. Thanks for inspiring me.

  7. Paige...I LOVE the word you chose for this year. Even more, I LOVE LOVE LOVE coming to your blog and reading your beautiful words. The way you describe things is so incredibly touching. It is like I can smell, see, & feel everything you describe. THANK YOU again for such a beautiful post.


  8. Congrats to Kristin!! No one more deserving. Thanks Paige for another real post. It hit home to me. You always have the perfect words. God is working through you in amazing ways!! Hugs!

  9. Wow...I SO could have written this post...almost to the 'T'!! When you wrote this:

    "It's much easier for me to straighten the pillows on my sofa
    than to straighten up my grumbly spirit.
    It's easier to keep a sparkling clean kitchen than clean up a critical mouth.
    There are days when i pour more words of encouragement into the comments i leave for a fellow blogger than into the hearts of my own children. Ouch...."

    This was/is sometimes SO me. It sometimes leaves me feeling like I don't deserve to become Khloe's mama. I have been praying about and focusing on the very things you wrote about here. It's so true, and so sad to realize this sometimes. But to know that we WANT to change that and that we PURPOSE to do so, leaves our hearts wide-open for God to do some amazing work. I'm so glad that He hasn't given up on me and that He will never leave me or forsake me. It's times like this that I need to find some quiet time along with my Father and immerse myself in His word. Thank you for your candid honesty here today. It makes me feel a little more 'normal' knowing I'm not the only 'piece of work' that God has His hands on! <>< And that Psalm 91 verse is one of my favorites!

    God bless!
    ~ Tanya

    P.S.>> the photos are BEAUTIFUL!! What neat shots! :)

  10. As always a beautiful and inspiring post...oh the joys and trials of parenting teens and now for me twentysomethings...we could all do better I am sure but your intention and attention account for a lot :)

  11. Ouch!!!! Every word said has hit a nerve with me! I feel so very much and always have, that home should be a haven, a refuge from all the bruises and falls we take in life. I want it to be the place that my children and grandchildren wish to be when the days get tough or troubles follow to closely. I often think on Friday or Saturday nights, when I have my grandchildren snuugled in "the big bed" that I think life doesn't get better than this! Grammy loves to hear them decide who gets to be beside me (yes, they keep up with whose turn it is!!)

  12. your posts amaze me....
    and always touch my heart.

    you truly have a gift for writing~


  13. Hi Paige~
    LOVE Caroline's hair! So much in fact that I am taking my daughter to get it cut the same way! We also LOVE the cross earrings she's wearing, where might I find a pair? You always have the FABest pics of the girls and their jewelry is always great too! Please share where you find the cute stuff!

  14. Congrats to Kristin!!

    Another inspiration post...... you never cease to amaze me:)

    You are so right... it is easier to arrange and fix up things in our home than it is to "fix up" our spirit or mood. I so needed to read this today....... you always manage to put thing into perspective for me!

    Hope that you have a wonderful week!



    PS...Beautiful photos.....LOVE THEM!

  15. Yeah Kristen!!!

    Paige, this post is so beautifully written. I live alone however I was so inspired. I need to create a shelter for myself so when I do have a husband and children it will come more naturally. I often leave the nicest comments on others blog and then "trash" myself or other close to me. Thanks you for opening my eyes. Wihsing you the best 2010!

  16. Girl you are a poet. Did you know that?? I loved every word and the pictures of that red shed with your sweetie was just precious.

  17. dear paige, you have such a beautiful way with words. i am always pulled into your posts from the first line. i love where you went with this one. so, so true. teenagers are much more difficult. you'll make it through and they will too. they are lucky girls!!

  18. Oh my -- what a great post! You are such a thoughtful and thought-provoking blogger/friend! How do you do it? And do it all so well? You are one amazing woman and Mom -- and the shelter you are providing to your sweet girls and family will be rewarded ten-fold, I'm sure of it! Plus -- lovely lovely photos of your little one! When did she get so tall?


  19. Dear Paige, Thank you for encouraging me to be the parent God would have me to be. It is so easy to loose our focus, and I often do. I am too quick with my tongue, and not often quick enough with my praise. Thank you, thank you for your lovely, gentle, reminder to make our homes the shelters they should be. I pray God blesses you as you endeavor to serve Him. Love, Debbie

  20. It's so easy to get sidetracked with the outside mess and not deal with the stuff on the inside. Thanks so much for this beautiful post!

  21. Paige, Your post was amazing and thank you for reminding us of what is really important. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that you won my giveaway!!!! Please email me with your address.

    xx, Michelle

  22. My darling Paige...
    You always have wise words..Thank you.
    And beautiful photos as always!!

  23. Your blog is way too cute. I thought I was already a follower of your blog, and realized I wasn't. I am loving all the inspiration I am finding from all of you amazing people.
    Take Care,
    Hey my sister is an RN in Atlanta. I will be posting about her wedding soon.

  24. This post was a cup of tea for my soul. Oh how i understand this, get what the teenage {years} i'm facing... (have 1 already and see what's ahead} and your words say it all... what we want to provide for our family, under one roof,while we have them at home....
    shelter what a perfect word.
    Thank you for this post... knowing someone else is on this journey gives comfort,

  25. Dear sweet Paige, I think shelter is the perfect word for does just seem to fit! You have some really good advice...there are days when I dish out more kind words in the comments I leave on people's blogs than to my own children...thanks for the reminder to cherish those precious loved ones that are right under my own roof and not let them get lost in the shuffle of my own world!

    :) T

  26. Congrats Kristin!

    I love this verse, and haven't heard it very often. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  27. I enjoyed reading your inspirational thoughts : )

  28. Just LOVE the red barn! Wish that were in my backyard :)

  29. Thank you for this wonderful uplifting post! I always come to your blog when I need a "lil" encouragement.


  30. What a beautiful word to inspire you this your post certainly inspired me.

  31. wow. this is so good. My kids are still little and I already butt heads with my daughter. Reading your post reminded me not to let this sweet time pass by too quickly... someday we may have REAL fights, not just bickering... and I love how you put it here.

    Gentle reminders that my heart can hear.

    My word for this year is NOURISH. That's my focus...but I've included my home in that because it's something that needs taking care of. I loved this post. And your photos. :)

    Oh, and I pick chippy paint every day of the week!! :)

  32. I absolutely love this post - it is amazing that it feels the exact same way having a house full of boys! Some days I just shake my head...
    You are such an inspiration my friend - truly you are. I would give quite a lot to have you living close so that we could go for lunch and sneak in a few no-children just girly (for me anyway) time!
    Have a marvelous weekend,

  33. such a beautiful and honest post.

    gorgeous pics once again!


  34. I will do a creme brulee recipe families favorite meal, period!

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