Sunday, January 03, 2010

12,465 images from our last 2 weeks

we had a wonderful christmas holiday
we've been shopping
drinking hot chocolate
watching movies
attending concerts
& thoroughly enjoying each others company
with a house full of girls
we're doing the best we can

i've been mia from the blogworld
& have forgotten to turn on my cell
sometimes for days at a time

here are a few
images from our little world
over the last couple weeks
some are dreadfully blurry
which is why
my goal for 2010
is to become well versed in the use of my camera!!

me &the girlies christmas eve

& since we had no one to capture a fam shot
dan & the girlies christmas eve
while i'm on christmas eve
i must tell ya
our church rented an enormous facility
in hopes that instead of doing 7 christmas eve services
as they did last year
they could provide one
service where we could all worship together
plus have room for , the community to join

i'm here to tell ya
i've never been in a more beautiful
christmas eve service
even if i was in a completely full venue
with 8000
8000 others

i was supposed to work that evening
but thankfully another nurse traded with me
spending that service
sitting between my most favorite people in the world
was truly my best chirsmtas present

madi's debut as a cheerleader

ice skating with savannah

watching my fave movie
you've got mail
with my dog brinkley
named after tom hank's dog brinkley

i love to set a cute table
since i stink at indoor shots
i moved a few place settings outside
to photograph
it was way too sunny
but anyway...

no i dont spoil the baby
those are not all for her

she clenched the award
for best reaction post gift opening
-eek....blurry deadgum indoor shot-
tickets for the harlem globetrotters with dad
cuz now she's a baller you know

i have thoroughly enjoyed
popping in on many of my fave bloggers
you , of course
through my google reader
{& even though i haven't left many comments
i have been checking in on everyone}
& seeing so many inspiring
new years resolotions

hope to get back in the saddle
very soon
Happy 2010!!!


  1. It looks like some wonderful quality time with family. Good for you. Isn't it glorious to have that many people praising the Lord? I love it. Happy New Year~

  2. I am on my way for more Christmas business take-down but wanted to wish you my friend a precious 2010. Thank you for posting all of your beautiful faces. Love each and every image blurry or not they are a part of you all and I love them! I love most is that you so appreciate the little moments and that your cell phone is turned off. I think that is how it should be.

    Miss you much my friend. I will call this week.

    Off to enjoy the freezing burrrrrrr cold to do outside lighting take-down! Pray I feel my fingers today will!

  3. Looks like an amazing two weeks!

    I adore ALL your photos, they capture the moment and the reason for the season! LOVE your table settings, I'm getting the little coke bottles for mine next year. And how good are the Joe, Joes' from TJ's. I think I could eat a box.

    Wishing you all a beautiful 2010, can't wait to see it :)

  4. you inspire the pictures girlie. blessings.

  5. It looks like you had an amazing Christmas! Great pictures of the girls! You are sooo blessed!

  6. Great photos of your sweet family! What a great time you all had. Love all your sweet touches. Don't think I'll ever be as organized as you!? Maddy is reading and looking over my shoulder and says -- we didn't see 12,465 photos -- more please!!! :) Happy new year!

    Janet & Maddy

  7. Oh wow Paige, such gorgeous photos....I want to be in your family and live in that beautiful home of yours!! You have so many things that I just LOVE!!!

    Your girls look beautiful - and "You've Got Mail" is my favourite movie too!

    Happy 2010 to you, I wish you every happiness :)

  8. hApPy nE w YeaR paIgE!!

    your photos are wonderful and your family is gorgeous!

    cheers to a wonderful new year...thank you for sharing

  9. Gorgeous pics once again:) Sounds like a wonderful church service too. I love the little brush trees you have. I'm seeing those everywhere this year...must find some. Thanks for sharing Paige...your family is just beautiful:)

  10. I love this post! Your girls are beautiful. I love your photos. Happy New Year! {Welcome were certainly missed here in Blogworld.}

  11. I think your photo's are always gorgeous!
    looks like a fun time had by all..and i especially love the short shirt with a scarf look.
    i will be enjoying some warm weather in 2 weeks.

  12. beautiful family...what an amazing Christmas Eve Service that must have been!!!! Happy New Year, jules

  13. sounds like ya'll had a wonderful Christmas. You have such a beautiful family. Kuddos on turning off the cell phone! I did the same thing...Happy New Year!

  14. You are seriously a cute and fun loving family. Always love popping over to your blog. Beautiful images too!

  15. Your Christmas Even service sounds amazing! Our church did four services...I can't imagine how hard that would be. It would be wonderful to have thousands together to worship. Your girls are so dang stylish.

  16. i am so glad you had a wonderful time with your sweet family! i did miss you! happy new year! xo

  17. Looks like you had a truly fabulous, fun-filled holiday! You girls are so adorable and stylish! ;) My jaw is still dropped at that 8000 people service- wow! I am not good at indoor shots either, LOL! I love natural light. Need to get a new lens to use indoor, that is my goal this year. A blessed and wonderful new year to you and yours!!

  18. I missed you girlie! Happy New Year!

  19. Happy New Year to your sweet and beautiful all have the best smiles!!!! {and pretty darn cute outfits too on the holiday}....I love your pictures!!!...and think they are always great! By the way I was super excited you were a coca-cola fan too:)
    So glad you enjoyed your family time ~ Blessings, martha

  20. beautiful images from your holiday. love the photos of you and your girls. they are so beautiful. they take after their gorgeous mom. stunning. and your puppy is so cute. love his name. i have that movie. i need to watch it again. i hope your 2010 is amazing paige. i have so enjoyed getting to know you. xo!

  21. How fun!! That was a great recap and such pretty photos!

    Happy new year!

  22. awh, nice to see you had a great Christmas. love strolling through your pictures. great shots. beautiful girls. how wonderful it is :O)

  23. Your holidays look wonderful. It sounds like you enjoyed every moment of it. Welcome back!

  24. How fun! Love all of the pictures. Such a beautiful family.

  25. Looks like you all had a really nice Christmas. I think you already do a great job with your camera! :)

    Happy New year!

  26. I loved every last one f the 12,465 images. That lil Caroline is such a cutie pie!!!! All of you are beautiful people...inside and out!

    Looks and sounds like a delicious snuggly good few weeks.

  27. I love your photos Paige...

    Happy New Year!



  28. You have such a stunning family... just precious! i had the goose bumps hearing about your Christmas eve service... wow that must have been magical. Christmas eve mass is my favorite and this past one was even more so for us as well.
    Happy New year I can't wait to see what you and your sweet family do this year,

  29. Well I don't even know where to begin Paige, there's so much good stuff in one post here!! First off, I'm so very happy for you that Christmas eve was so special for sounds amazing!!!

    Second, your family is just about the most beautiful set of people I know!!

    And, I think ALL of your shots look GREAT!!!

    Happy New Year sweetie!

    :) T

    p.s. candy cane joe joe's are a BIG hit at our house too :)

  30. Looks like you had a wonderful end of year....I was reading thru your blog, very inspiring. Happy New Year.

  31. I have been mia too. Just wanted to stop by and say hi!

    Have a blessed day!

  32. what church do you attend?

  33. Love, love, love the pictures! You girls (all 5 of you) are so darn pretty! I'm sure that hubby of yours is mighty proud.

    Happy 2010 to you! So happy to have met you this past year. You and your kindness and your blog have inspired me.

    Thank you.

  34. Happy New Year Paige!! sounds like you have had all kinds if fun and actually not having the cell on for a few days sounds divine! Gorgeous family, gorgeous photos and of course always a pleasure to stop in and see what is going on in your world! blessings, Tara

  35. Paige I have too been "MIA" from Blogland and not really sure if/when I will be back at it. Just concentrating on other things right now that need my time & attention and there's simply not enough to go around...but I still read what everyone else is up to as well! :) Pics are awesome and sounds like your holidays were as well. Take care!

  36. Happy 2010 Paige! Lovely pics. You have such a beautiful family. I'm so glad you enjoyed the holiday season. So much fun to be had. I'm loving that ruffle skirt. Too cute!

  37. Your family is just lovely! And I loved reading about your Christmas eve service.

    ps- Cute gingerbread house, too!

  38. Great pictures, and the girls are beautiful, just like Mom!

  39. Your family is SO beautiful! And I looooove your red scalloped cake plate!

  40. GREAT photos!! Again...BEAUTIFUL family...seriously photogenic!!! :)

    I can only imagine how incredible that Christmas Eve service was... gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. 8000 people!?! ...REALLY!? How completely amazing is that!? Oh the power of God that must've been surrounding that place...I'm sure His presence could be felt by everyone there!! So cool!

    Nice to meet you again...and have a blessed New Year!


  41. Your girls are beautiful! I can only imagine the fun you've had during the holidays. Thanks for sharing all the great photos.

    Happy New Year ~ tons of laughter, love, good health and abundance!

  42. It will be great to watch The Harlem Globetrotters, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.


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