Thursday, September 03, 2009

beautiful you~~

Little girl fourteen flipping through a magazine
Says she wants to look that way

Well little girl fourteen I wish that you could see
That beauty is within your heart
And you were made with such care your skin your body and your hair
Are perfect just the way they are

There could never be a more beautiful you
Don’t buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

words by jonny diaz
just a little reminder, sweet girl
that i'm so proud of you
i'm proud of your helpful spirit at home
i'm proud when another mama points out how caring you are with your sister
i'm proud of your academic load
i'm proud of your leadership
i'm just so proud of you
there could never be a more beautiful YOU
madison grace


  1. I love that song... what a sweet mama you are.

  2. Oh a Mama's amazing love to her daughter...and now I am crying....this is so very precious my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Madi, You truly are all that and so gracefully and gently more in heart and spirit, intelligence and gentleness. Beautiful through and through you are.

  3. It's a powerful song and a great reminder, thank you. I will sing it over my girls as they head off to school today, and especially over my own little Maddison Grace, who at nearly 8 sometimes forgets just how valued she is to us, and to God. Beautiful love has to be a revelation and I pray our children, yours and mine, receive a fresh glimpse today :}

  4. SO very sweet, Paige! You are such a wonderful mama :)

  5. Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.

    It's all perfect !

    Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....

  6. i really, truly love this post Paige! I hope she can BELIEVE how beautiful she is!!!

    love your mama's heart!

  7. Love this song, and I love this post!!! It is always nice to stop by your blog!!!

  8. That is so sweet Paige! She is a beauty!! Love your kids names BTW :)


  9. Paige that is so sweet. What a great mom you are. Oh how I wish our girls will know their true beauty comes from within and is givin to them by an amazing God. Great words to remember when my little one gets to that stage!

  10. How could you improve that beauty anyways!! Oh don't you wish you could uncover her she could see it for herself:)

  11. Sweet post! Your daughter(s) and you are all beautiful and I admire your sweet spirit! Makes me wish mine were still young...raised my daugher who was blessed to be beautiful on the outside, that true beauty is from within and people will see and know that and the outside becomes insignificant!

  12. So true...wouldn't be nice if we would actually believe that when are teenagers??? She is a beauty...all your girls are.

  13. Paige -- sweet post to your beautiful girl -- she is so lovely! And you're such an incredible Mom!

    Have a great weekend!


  14. What wonderful words. So perfect and special.

    Love your music too.

  15. You truly are the best mom ever paige!!! Those girls are so incredibly lucky to have you as their role model, and to help guide them through the often rough waters of growing up in our society, with all of his pressures. You are doing a wonderful job my friend. And your girls are simply gorgeous!

  16. paige, what a sweet mom you are. I love that you let us see your heart. Thank you.

  17. Well said Mama. Don't you wish we could have had all this wisdom when we were young?

  18. I'm going through the same thing with my 12, almost 13 year old. I just started reading 5 Conversations to have with your daughter and the first chapter is about this very thing. It is such a tough thing to convince them of when they want to be like what they see in magazines. Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Your daughter IS beautiful!

  19. I heard this song the other day while driving and just cried and cried! I wanted to post about how much it touched me. I wish I hadn't believed so many of those lies when I was a teenager.

    Your daughter is beautiful! I love how much you love your girls!

  20. that post brought tears to my eyes.
    i loved this post. it hits home for me.

  21. Im so glad you love this song and can relate to it. Jonny and I sang together for years through youth group and college and its so neat to see someone find encouragement through his music. You have beautiful daughters!


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