Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the foot pop

while perusing through some of our past beach photos
i noticed a decided trend
do you think we've gotten a little carried away with the spontaneous foot pop?

so much so that even little bit even threw that one right up there like no one's business
without prompting
no less

maybe next year we'll try something a little more unique!
like jumping....

or not....


  1. Cute! Paige, check my blog out, a few posts down there might be a nice surprise for you!

  2. Well, I think they're all adorable - I've never heard of a foot pop before but I think I'm gonna start doing them!!

    Your girls are so gorgeous by the way, you must be so proud of them.

    How did you do those jumping shots, they are fantastic!!

    I love your posts!!

  3. so funny, paige. i love the second to the last photo with all of your gorgeous girls...

    ...what would a photo be without a foot pop?...

  4. These pictures are fabulous! I need some girls at my house so we can have fun like y'all. Y'all are too cute!

  5. how do they jump so high???
    time to cut down on the milk.

  6. Well I like the foot pop and the jumping!!! Ya'll look too cute! Stop by my blog when you get a chance...I gave you an award :)

    :) T

  7. totally cute! Love the *foot pop* cutie patootie!

  8. That is too funny! I can't for the life of me remember which movie there is a scene with a "foot pop" something to do with kissing I think :)

    I love all your photos and I have to remember to try to get a jumping picture on our next beach holiday!

  9. the foot pop is so cute!! Your family is just darling,

  10. you are HILARIOUS!
    i have always noted the foot pop (but i never knew what to call it!)

    i think it is so YOU it's not even funny.

    you kill me Paige.


  11. Just found your lovely blog...I adore your photos...so so cute! This post has made my heart happy! I am off to read some more of your lovely blog...the last post caught my eye with a golden retriever...I have a black lab! Will be back!

  12. Lots of foot popping going on there!!
    Fun jumping photos of the kids

  13. LOL!!! I wish I could jump up like that and not have everything shake:-)

  14. Could you guys, I mean girlies be any stinking cuter??? :)
    PS I gave you one of my Honest Scrap Awards...please link to my blog and participate if you can!

  15. love this. just LOVE it!

    such sweet girls....and the pop!

    Great post!!! xo

  16. LOVE the jumping! (and the foot pop :-)

  17. hee hee, i've noticed that my foot pops whenever i greet my hubby with a kiss - i did it the other day in london and everyone noticed. x

  18. Oh Paige! I'm afflicted with Foot Pop Disease too! Fortunately, it hasn't been contagious in our house.

  19. The foot pop is classic and sweet. What beautiful girls you have. You can see the love. Makes me smile! :)

  20. This may shock you, but we have no foot poppers in our house... :) Actually, I am thankful for that~

    What a funny post and such a lovely way to start my day!


  21. Love your foot pops and your jumping! Of course, I've tried to copy your jumping, but never quite as good as you. Hmm -- will be trying the foot pop next!

    Have a great day!


  22. SO CUTE. The foot pop and jump are so much better than what appears to be a Cali trend of the popped out arm to avoid "arm fat". Is there such a thing?! Your poses=much better!!!! :) Laugh in the future when you find photos of my arm popped out by sheer influence of others!

  23. Adorable shots, foot pop and all!
    Have a great day!

  24. HA! That is so funny. Foot pop or not those are some wonderful pics Paige:)

  25. This is a signature move... definitely don't get rid of it. Too cute!

  26. how cute. i think you all work the foot pop pretty well. keep it up. i on the other hand don't think i have ever done the foot pop. what is wrong with me>

  27. We aren't foot poppers in our family but your pictures are so darn cute I wish we were! Pictures of your family make me smile. The foot popping scene in Princess Diaries is my favorite!


  28. I love the foot pop! Or the jumping...they are great photos! Your girls can jump!


  29. i love the "foot pop"! i am going to have to do it! and i know my little princess would love to do it! wow! you are starting something! i love the jumping too! i love all your wonderful pictures!

  30. Oh you are too funny!! I still love the "foot pop" We might need to try it on the beach next year in your honor:)

    Happy Weekend!


  31. You even inspired the foot pop in MY beach photos:)

    You are so adorable, Paige!!!!

  32. How cute is that...you all look adorable.

  33. Paige! You are such a crack up! I just love your photos regardless. Always so fun to see!

  34. I love all your photos with the foot pop, so cute and fun. Very romantic in the photos of you and your hubby.!!!!

  35. so cute paige!! i love the foot pop:)

  36. love it. love your pictures.
    soon. i will let you know how your one post touched me. and to take on a new adventure.
    t.h.a.n.k. y.o.u.
    you will be the first to tell me what you think :O)

  37. LOVE these pictures! Very cute.
    I did the foot pop the other day after reading your post and my photo came out great. Nice trick. :)


  38. I love your jumping beach pictures.

  39. I LOVE these foot pops and lifting of the right leg, as I like to call it, and it's soo nice to see these women in love with their "significant other"!!


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