Wednesday, July 08, 2009

a little something for you

I love Coastal Living magazine.
I obviously don't live on the coast, have a coastal cottage, or even get to the seaside as much as i'd love to. However, I really enjoy perusing this magazine & think you will too.
So, leave me a comment with your guess of how many beach pictures I took last week ( I know, no one really cares but thought this would be fun). The one closest to the total I will gladly send a years subscription.

Sunday we headed about an hour east to a 15 acre sunflower farm. We stumbled upon this a few years ago prior to a feature that Southern Living ran about their July festival. With a couple years of drought plus the added crowds, there aren't quite as many flowers available as in years past, but gorgeous none the less.

Dan described this day as the perfect storm. If it could go wrong, it did.
But we walked away with our huge bucket of flowers , muddy feet, and loads of smiles to end what started out as a rocky day. My sweet guy always knows how to make things all better for his type-A ( & that day, very grumpy) wife. I am so blessed to have this gentle, even-tempered and endlessly loyal man to help me through days when I feel like I've failed as a mom or failed as a friend.
I love you big guy~~thank you for being the calm in my storm and the safe place to lay my head everynight. I wouldn't want to walk through georgia red clay with anyone else but you~


  1. Well- my card hold 1500 so that is my guess!

  2. My guess? 624 pictures and I feel that's being conservative!!! Btw, we want to see more beach pics!!!!

  3. I'll have to guess 854, although I don't know how that's possible. I can barely get my kids to stand still for 5...

    By the way where is Savannah for all this fun?

  4. you have such a beautiful family with such gorgeous eyes! AND AWESOME cowboy boots! My guess is 550 pics. Oh, and you are SO SUPER BLESSED with that hubby of yours...

  5. Hi Paige -- what gorgeous girls and sunflowers too! You have such a touch with the camera!

    I'm going to guess 910 photos. Whew -- that sounds like a lot, doesn't it!

    Have a great day!

  6. Gorgeous photos! What an amazing backdrop for all the photos. My guess for the beach photos is 1223! I know that would be me:-)

  7. Your photos are beatiful. Your children are so photogenic.

    I'm going to guess 1078.

  8. Beautfiul sunflower pictures!! My guess is 1,777. I take way too many pics too. When people see a picture of mine that they like, they don't realize how many I took to get it!!

  9. Gorgeous photos Paige! I would love to go pick sunflowers with you anytime, they look amazing!! your girls are adorable and hold that hubby tight, you are so blessed. As for the amount of pics, well being that you can have multiple cards, this could be hard, but wait are you shooting in RAW, cause that makes a difference too...! te hee! ok, I say 2101...cause I can take 1000 in a day!

  10. I love those cowboy boots... I'm really bad at guessing, but I'm going to shoot out 97.

  11. 437! What nice things to say about your husband. I hope that makes him smile as much as it made me smile.

  12. Wow, I love sunflowers. Love these pics and your fam is so sweet. My guess is 777 pics.

  13. My guess is 799!

    I love these pictures!

  14. I think 895 but that may be a little low.

  15. Lovely!!!!!!!!!! Knowing you on the amount of images and that it is digital now......I shutter to think, but realize that each will be beautiful.

    We all love Dan!!!!!!! I am so glad he is there for you to share this life with. A major prayer of mine for you that was answered perfectly! It just was.

    Love you my friend, Kristin

  16. Hi Paige...I'm going to conservatively guess 250 (kind of like the person on Price is Right who guess $1) maybe I'll be lucky...I love Coastal Living!

  17. Beautiful pics... Your girls dress so darn cute!

    Wild guess... 1357

  18. AMAZING pictures!!! what a beautiful family! wow! I have to guess...430!

  19. I would say you filled more than 1 memory card and I would guess at least 2500!!!

  20. I'm guessing 1200.

    Is that a new haircut for you? Cute!

  21. I am goint to guess 960....cause I know you like to take lots of pics of your beautiful girls:)

    The sunflower farm looks the girls in their boots and their big smiles!!

    Hope you are enjoying your summer:)


  22. You're pictures are gorgeous! Love your blog.

  23. Looks like you had a great time! I too love Coastal Living and am way far from the coast! It makes me feel better to look through the pages and feel like I am there though.
    I am going to guess 1000.

  24. Hi,
    My guess is 923. I LOVE the sunflower pictures. The flowers and your shots are magnificient! Thanks for sharing.

  25. I'll guess 373. Everyone is guessing way more though...

    I love sunflowers. I wish we had something like that here. So much fun. You have a beautiful family and a great hubby. :)


  26. Great giveaway and lovely sunflowers!! i'll guess 233 x

  27. I say 1230 photo's.
    and i love the sunflower farm...i wish i could go.
    now...i'm ready to see some of your photo's.

  28. Wonderful photos and post, Paige! Summers are the best for outdoor fun! As for the number of photos you took I would guess 1177. Great little give-away! ; ))

  29. Thanx for the info about Restoration Hardware on 'Humble Pie's' blog. Just ordered $150 worth of "shore" cleaning products:). I love your site, especially your beautiful family pix. I'm trying to convince my husband to abandon our bankrupt state and move to either Washington or Georgia!!!

  30. my guess is 436. ;)

    NOW LET'S SEE SOME OF THEM!! I keep coming back and back and back ... wanting to see some Seaside pics! :)

    love the picture of you and Coach K ... precious. and PROUD of you -- we don't catch many glimpses of you on the ole blogola.


  31. I always love your pictures!! and the sunflowers are amazing!!!
    Just a little fyi about Coastal Living...I started receiving it when Country Home went away :( but I still enjoy it. Over the 4th I made the "grilled shrimp tacos, jicama slaw, and corn salsa" and ALL were amazing. It had nothing to do with the cook it had everything to do with the recipes. Super quick, easy, yummy, and light for a summer dinner party. I'd highly recommend them! They are in the current Coastal Living.
    Enjoy! and Welcome Back!! we missed you!!

  32. I am going to guess 2600. Hope I am close and by the way you take beautiful pictures.

  33. Oh girl you are too funny. I too am a picture taking fool. My guess is 400! Love all the sunflower photos. You are a really good photographer, and your family is gorgeous of course.

    I'm still on vacation, but I had to check in. Can't wait to see if I was remotely close.

  34. I'm guessing 287. You certainly have wonderful photo's!

  35. Okay, so I just got here..., and your saying that you don't get to the beach that much, hmmmm but everyone's guesses are in the hundreds! I'd say a hundred then. The sunflowers are stunning!

  36. Paige, the girls are looking so grown up! Growing up happens doesnt it? But it is so bittersweet! They are just beautiful and so are you and your husband! Love those sunflowers and that Georgia red clay!

    pictures---how about 778

  37. What a beautiful family y'all are!! I love all the pictures on the beach and with the flowers. I can just imagine all the portraits in your home. Thanks for sharing.
    xxx kim

  38. Hi..

    Happy to came across your page.. you do have a great family and children which i could really say they are so sweet. My guess.. ahmmm. 1,200?


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