Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Can you do the Hoe Down Throw Down?


you don't know the Hoe Down Throw Down?

what about the Ice Cream Freeze

a girl simply can't return to school in a few weeks and not know these!!
i'm thinking ya'll best get to work on those...
thought i'd share a few of my current fave things around the house~~

the sweetest package from Rebecca with such attention to detail! packaged so cute I didn't even want to take it out...maybe just set it on the counter for a few days to enjoy

thank you sweet girl...i love 'wish'.

you made my day!

For years I have loved soldered silver charms, even buying supplies for a failed attempt to try to master them myself. The charms my friend Cathy creates are by far the loveliest i've seen-anywhere. I have several photo charms that she's created for me & they are gorgeous!

She & I had talked several times about creating a bracelet. She makes "wee charms" which are insanely the birth of a charm bracelet was created. While she was whipping these beauties up across the pond, i was searching for the perfect chunky bracelet.
Talk about attention to detail....each monogram charm is backed with beautiful vintage lovely on both sides. one monogram for each of us , joie, and a seaside charm.

Cathy you are so dear to me. you show me so much about being a selfless loving 'mum' and your generous tender heart touches my soul.

you are a kindred spirit that i am thankful for each day

love you friend

ps--cathy is soon to open her brick & mortar shop in Australia. if you haven't visited her blog, its a must will feel like you've known her forever.....and you too can have some fabulous silver charms!

One of the things we purchased at the beach is this great frame created from the wood of old boats. huge & all chipppy....i love it!!
its hard to tell from this shot but it has a space for 4 4x6 photos.....just haven't gotten those puppies in there yet!

i have been looking for something exactly like this . when i walked into one of my most fave little shops "Pickets" i nearly flipped. its about a 24inch tall rusty urn with a trellis topper.....came home & filled it with shells
no shocker there
so its hanging out on the kitchen table & it makes me smile!

meanwhile over in the dining room i filled our
humongous primitive dough bowl with starfish & other white seashells.

& since this is a where is she going next post,
why not throw in some beach shots.

i tried to capture the water in the late always looks like there are little diamonds floating on the water
i could look at that view all day
every day


  1. How lovely to see your new beach finds. You make me want to take a trip to the beach, just for the shopping.!

  2. love. love. favorite..and where is Rebecca btw...?
    oh and love the beach shots...
    and the frame....
    and the starfish...

  3. I was wondering about Rebecca myself... I also love Cathy - her charms, and her blog are wonderful! How funny that I ran into Lissa in Snohomish the other day buying starfish for her own bowl!
    Lovely post my friend,

  4. I would just LOVE to come over and spend some time in your home. I think my heart would start beating a little bit faster and I would feel all hyper inside. You're much better at the beach look than I am! I have this weird formal side to me that creeps in sometimes... (we try not to let her have a say in our decorating but she's sly- that one!) I wish I could sit with you with a diet coke and peruse all of your 2,500 (gasp) photos! I could learn a thing or two from you! xo.
    ps I've always wanted a dough bowl since you posted yours 2 years ago with the goards in it and then last year with the pumpkins! When I found one at white flower farmhouse I flipped! Hope you don't care that mine will look similar.

  5. I agree...where is Rebecca? Love all your new goodies. Tell R that the Paige card is lovely!!!!

  6. Love those starfish in the doughbowl!

  7. Oh I love this post my sweet friend. Love every picture and your words are always perfect.

  8. Love your photos! What a beautiful beach. I love the frame you purchased there. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I love the pink guitar, charm bracelet, beach frame, and the rest of your beach finds. I'm a sucker for picture frames. Love them. It makes me want to go shopping like right now, but I can't bring myself to with 4 kids. I care for one child so that's where the 4th is coming from. Have a good day!

  10. Wow!!! I have tears rolling down my face...You say the nicest things...So wish I could have hand delivered those charms....Love you from the bottom of my heart to the moon and back sweetest friend of mine. cxxxx

  11. Love the awesome frame you got!! And your sweet little girl is too she a gymnast? If not, she SHOULD be!!! Also, can NOT believe how many pictures you took! Wow! I completely underestimated you!

  12. Lovely finds - as always -- you really have the touch Paige! Have a great weekend -- it's almost the weekend, isn't it! :)


  13. I love everything in your house! Everything!

  14. love your blog, and i love all of your beutiful things. thanks for sharing them with us!! the new urn is gorgeous, and that charm bracelet is priceless!! hope you are well!

  15. I haven't posted in a while. Amazing Photos as always!!! I love the new frame..... and the shells and starfish. I just recently filled an outdoor stone urn with the very same things and brought it indoors. I love it!

  16. Loving all of your favorite things. Sigh.

  17. Lovely all of it!!!! We are heading to Seaside very soon my friend...I need shopping and dining recommendations, please:)


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