Sunday, June 07, 2009


I don't think anything is wrong with wanting our homes to be beautiful places of comfort and refuge for those we love most in this world.

places where thoughtfully placed heirlooms are kept,

where photos from generations past are housed,

where china is placed on a lovely decorated table as we sit together and enjoy just being together ,

where pillows are fluffed and big chairs are comfy and inviting,

where the kitchen smells of delightful treats, and rocking chairs sit on back porches waiting for a visit with a favorite friend and big ole' cold glass of lemonade.

there's times though when i can feel discontented.

when i wish my dining room table would fit 12, so whom ever my girls bring home, there's always room for.

there's times when i look at our old worn sofas and long for shabby chic slipcovered potterybarn ones ( where the said friends would sit with cheetoh covered fingers i'm sure)

there's times when i look at my carpet and wish i could do an 'i dream of jeanie' blink and make them wide planked hard woods ( since i have a golden retriever the word is that i'd see his hair all the more!)

that's when i know my life must be pretty a.o.k. surely if i have time to peruse potterybarn for slipcovered goodness, than all must be right in my world. i try to refocus and be grateful. to be a good steward because we are all so much more blessed than we realize, right?

nothing is wrong with wanting to create a lovely home for my family, i just want to have a contented heart. i want to balance the wants & needs. i want my home to first be a place where people feel loved & welcome--at any time, and whether that's while sitting on creamy white slipcovers or the reality of what i have now, making sure the rest of my heart & home is in order is so much more important. i really do want to just keep it all in perspective.

last month i found out two of my girlfriends were diagnosed with breast cancer. i'm certain they weren't driving home from those appointments thinking 'well thank goodness i have marble countertops'. i know i can't always live in that state of mind. most of my life is usually full of deciding what i'll cook for dinner & who needs to be where and when. i have lived in survival mode before. if you've been swinging by the blog for a while then you know my first husband died from cancer. during that time, i certainly never chose a paint color or ordered new linens. the last couple of years i have needed to be followed closely for my own pre-cancer diagnosis. during the times leading up to those doctor visits i am so often eaten up with fear.

right now all is well in my little world. we just painted the exterior of our home and fixed up emily's room with new goodies. i thank the lord that most of our days are spent blissfully enjoying where He has us. but i want to remember to stay focused. i want to be grateful for the days when things are good . i also want to keep in mind that sometimes a slipcovered sofa really can make the most unbearable days seem just a little more bearable. :)

a couple of friends asked me to share a few peeks into our welcome.

these are the sofa's that want to be potterybarn charleston sofas when they grow up.

and don't mind the doggie hair on the floor, we sure love him & would choose him anyday over the perfect floor that we don't have

come on out & ya'll have a seat
i'll be right back with some lemonade

milestone moment for me....emi's room. she picked out the paint, the layout , and the bedding from pbt all on her own....she did pretty good i'd say!

our bedroom

a few pieces from my collection of antique medicine bottles

the find of the year

this little table , better homes & gardens brand, on sale at walmart for 29bucks!

i think i have a bowl of shells in everyroom

sorry but the nearest beach is 6 hours away....sigh

my petite dining room, that will seat 6....not 12

we ordered our chair slips from potterybarn when they were offering free monograms

geez,this is starting to sound like an advertisement for those folks!

years ago, i needed to have my oldie sofas redone. my decorator friend talked me out of slipcovers...darn it...i'm such a sucker...and encouraged the more finished look of reupholstering. always go with your gut

maybe if i'd have gone with mine i'd be over my slipcovered campaign!

one of my best girlfriends created the wall words for me.
my favorite verse 1 john 3.1.
almost impossible to photograph but looks so pretty in person.

silhouettes from years ago when my middleschoolers were 5 & 6

kitchen table.

loved the seaglass colored vases. had hoped to fill each with a white peony, but never found any...sadness

so now the kitchen table has this....are you tired of all the shells?

my fave summer dishes from vietri....i only have a few pieces, so we'll have to share
the kitchen table that would also love to seat 12.
i told savannah i was going to invite some of our friends over for dinner next week--a family of 6. she asked where everyone was going to sit....oh for goodness sakes....6 in the dining room & 6 in the kitchen...duh. see , i can make this work .
ps-slipcovers from anthro a couple years ago--oops forgot to put the other one on!

just found this little peel & stick chalkboardy thingy for less than $20

i know you are coveting my retro oven...wink

my fave chipped up frames from dryads dancing

and a few other goodies i love in the kitchen.

thanks for dropping in

my house will never be in a magazine

& we haven't upgraded a single thing

can you imagine?

but we're big on hugs around here

& our doggie never barks. ever.

we always have a fridge full of diet cokes

and would love a visit

just don't look at the carpet



  1. Your home is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with us. I just love that little hat lamp in your kitchen. Sweet! :) And, thanks for the words on being content. The Lord and I have been dealing with this very same issue for the past few weeks!! Think He might be teaching me again tonight through you. :)
    Have a lovely night!

  2. Your house is lovely! A girl can never have too many shells!

    I am trying really hard to be content too. We have completely outgrown our house and we desperately need new carpet and furniture!

  3. You have a beautiful home! I love your porch. After seeing your pictures, I think I am going to start displaying my shells as a reminder of good times spent at the beach. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  4. You have a beautiful home and a beautiful heart, it shows through in your posts so visibly. Thank you for once again sharing a bit of ourself with us tonight.

  5. dear, sweet, adorable Paige. I feel so at home here! I love everything about it! It just shines you! I wish you could come over and help me with mine! You would be in my magazine ANY day! I cherish you dear Paige! You're an amazing woman! xoxo and you know... one can never have too many shells. Its biblical! ;)

  6. I love your home. It's beautiful. And I love all the shells. I love your words on perspective. It's so true. Have a wonderful week!


  7. Your home is beautiful and so obviously full of the most important thing; love.

    Bless you,

    B x

  8. it's as if you have read my heart and put it into words.
    we are blessed. so so blessed.

    ps your house is gorgeous! looks like a lovely place to live.

  9. Wow darlin I think you house is absolutely gorgeous!!!!You are such a sweet mummy, wife and friend and anyone that has the privilege of being in your home would be the lucky ones...Hopefully that will be me one day...Love ya C xxxx

  10. How fun to take a tour of your home. It's so beautiful and welcoming. BTW...your house could be in a magazine cause these pictures look like they came from Pottery Barn ;-)

  11. Your home is GORGEOUS! You did a great job decorating. It's so much fun making your house your own home. We are still working on ours. lol I just loved your house! It does look like it belongs in a magazine.

  12. Paige -- your home is so lovely - thanks for the sneak peek! Your daughter's room is simply beautiful -- she did a fabulous job! Love all your special little touches, esp. all your shells. Kind of hard to find those in landlocked Nebraska! :) Have a great week!


  13. I hate to tell you...but I think many people out there are now envying YOU! Your home is beautiful, and so is your family. You are very blessed.

  14. I LOVE IT!! I love your chippy paint frames and your shells everywhere...i love the softness in your colors and my sis picked up that same table from walmart and i am so envious that i couldnt find one at my walmart...

    i am ALWAYS fluffing my home and trying to get everything just right...but as long as those in my home are similing and happy and comfortable...i am okay with letting the fluffing go for a bit.

    such a lovely post dear paige. hope summer is treating you and your beautiful family well.


  15. Your home is amazing Paige, and I would sit with you in a heart beat on your porch and sip lemonade!! I am so sorry about your girlfriends being diagnosed with Breast cancer that broke my heart when I read it, and when I read things like that, my reality check hits me in the face. Big hugs to you and your friends...thanks for sharing as always Paige.

  16. Absolutely beautiful and more than that is just feels sooo good. I think I would be the guest that stayed to long at your lovely home. Love the Mackenzie-Childs!

  17. I love you home... In my home, I always feel that every room should have something from the sea too.

    Mostly, I loved what you said before you showed your home.. those are my thoughts exactly!

    I am putting you in my blogroll, because your blog has really been blessing my heart lately and I've enjoyed reading it!


  18. Who needs a magazine home when a home filled with joy and love are so much better?

    I know how you feel.. because I struggle with the same thing. But what we have cannot be purchased from a magazine.

    Thanks for the peek! Your home looks comfortable and lived in, just how it SHOULD be!

  19. I, too, feel the same way about my house. I think that we just get tired of things looking the same, when we don't really have time to change it up.

    Like everyone else commenting, I think your home is darling..... warm, cozy and friendly in spirit - who could ask for more.


  20. so very, very pretty! I agree that a girl can never have too many shells. xo Joan

  21. Loved your post. Paige, you always put things into perspective at just the right time. Thank you. Your home is gorgeous but the thing I love best is it's homey. It makes me want to go to the fridge, get a tall glass of sweet tea, sit down and chat with you for hours. Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and wisdom.

    And you are right, discontentment sometimes comes when you find yourself drooling over beautiful marble countertops, Viking appliances and wood floors. I'm working on the balance of enjoying looking at beautiful things in blog posts and magazines without wanting it all for myself.

    And I'm working on teaching my children about true contentment. Oh Lord, help me! Thanks again Paige.

  22. Being a newlywed, I am totally consumed with having my home look nice. It's hard since we don't have a big budget, and I complain way more than I should. Thanks so much for posting this, because I really needed to hear some of the things you said. It's good to put things in perspective, and step back to think about what truly matters.

    And just so you know, I think your home is goooorgeous and I'd let oyu decorate my home anyday!

  23. Paige, your home is gorgeous and that porch!!! WOW. I love all the details throughout the home. I love, love the dresser in your daughter's room and the best part about your home is all the hugs and that non barking dog:-)

  24. Oh Paige. How fun. I love your home and would love to sit with you and have lemonade or a diet coke. What a beautiful home you have. Thank you for the little tour. And thank you for the sweet words of love and encouragement. They mean more than you know. Bless you and your precious home.

  25. p.s. Now I don't feel so bad about all of my shells. haha.

  26. Your home is THE MOST beautiful kind of all....filled with love, family, joy, tears, tickles, laughter , heart and beauty. That is what we all desire:)

    P.S. It is very pretty aesthetically to:)

  27. Your home is quite lovely! thank you for the tour and sharing it,

  28. Now this was a treat!! I have always wished to see more and more of your beautiful home, so this was a perfect post for me (in both sentiment and photos!). Your home is so beautiful, but more importantly, it truly is filled up with loving, beatiful souls.

    I so love your message. Thanks for reminding us all of it...


  29. are you kidding me? you told me i couldn't come visit....
    but from the looks of it...i'm on my way.
    your home is lovely paige...i could just move right in.

  30. Paige, beautiful words and gorgeous photos from your home

  31. Paige~
    Wish we were closer! Cause I'd be at your kitchen table sippin a diet coke with ya! Thanks for sharing your place!

  32. Your home is charming and your words are sweet.


  33. i'm on my way ... :)

    um ... where is your clutter? where are the clothes on your bed? where are the magazines? where is the mail? where are your running shoes?

    do they all have their own special/perfect little place.

    open up the laundry room door and LET ME IN!

    love the back porch ... i'm trying not to covet.

    let's do a DC soon, k?

  34. I love your home. It's so pretty. The color in your daughter's room in perfect.

    What I love most though is your sweet spirit. I really loved that post. You always make me think;)

  35. Paige it is beautful! I love the shades of blue and green that you have used...and lots of white. I love the use of shells. It is lovely, relaxing and welcoming!

    Oh that porch!


  36. Oh my, your home is absolutely beautiful, just like you and your family. What a wonderful place for your girls to grow up. I think it's natural to always want more, always want something different. I'm sure there are people living in mansion who probably want less ;)

  37. So inviting! I may just pack a bag and come stay for a while. Always so clean? I was laughing to myself as I envisioned what a tour of my house would look like! Maybe I will do one and give everyone a chuckle! Be looking for it!

    Your house is BEAUTIFUL! Pretty sure the love exploding out the doors and windows has SOMETHING to do with it.

    Oh- LOVE your doggie. We are trying to adopt a Golden right now from the Golden rescue program. Her name is Farrah. We MAY have to do something about that name! Ha!

  38. What a beautiful post and home. Really what a delight to read and remind me to be thankful.

  39. Paige...You're house is amazing! Wow...I know that my sister and I are drooling for sure!

    Thanks for the tour...and again...WOW!


  40. your style is super!
    clean and inviting!!

    haven't been here in awhile...and see that I have really been missing out on all your wonderful writings, ideas, and decor.

    p.s. I'll keep your 2 friends in my prayers.

    Anne Marie

  41. What the hell?

    I don't ever want to hear you complain about not having this or that.

    You have it ALL, girlfriend! Truly.

    Your home is so inviting and peaceful and serene and comfy and cosy.

    And, best of all, I can just FEEL the love.

  42. Hi Paige !!! thanks soo much for this post !! we move this weekend and we are downsizing incredibly and i am feeling the crunch and the heartache of leaving my home and this post was perfect for what i am feeling ! i don't have to have the perfect home right now - and i have to learn to be content because i have the most wonderful husband, boys and dogs (i can soo relate to the dog hair !!) its whats in the house that makes a home and i can put my touch on it and it will be perfect for us right now - Its not always about have the best but learning to live with what we have!
    anyways, thanks for sharing your wonderful home - its beautiful !

  43. Thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful home! I just love the little hat lamp in your kitchen. Among many other things.:) I am a shell lover, too. Your home looks comfy, warm, and filled with lots of love.

    PS. I, too, often feel like a Pottery Barn ad. I reference it all the time... Oh, my husband nixed the Charleston sofa when we were in need of a new one a few years back. Said he couldn't take a nap on it comfortably... so I never got it. :(

  44. Paige -
    You have a beautiful home, so pretty, so serene. I love your style and all your personal touches - just lovely!!
    Emi's room is gorgeous, so pretty.
    And ... most importanly your gorgeous home is filled with love! :)

  45. I am so glad you shared these photos of your home. It's simply lovely. I adore your style. Your perspective is right on target!

  46. Sweet Paige, I don't know how I missed it the first time, but I didn't see that two of your friends have been diagnosed with cancer. I am so sad to hear this and I will be praying with you. Please forgive me for not noticing sooner.

  47. dang...47 comments...
    i bow to you queen paige...

  48. Pretty house Paige! VERY pretty.
    I love your fish dishes. :)

    You dog is a cutie.... you are right about the dog hair!!


  49. I seriously have house envy at the moment!

    And, like you, I have shells all over the house!

    So beautiful...thank you for sharing!

  50. Your home is beautiful! So many things I love - especially the fish dishes :) I also love your dryads dancing frames - I've been thinking about those for awhile now. . . .
    Hope you have an awesome vacation.

  51. just scrolling through you blog today. love it.
    i found a cute wire basket today i wanted to by but i didn't know what i'd do with it. i love your basket full of the shells. love it! what a neat idea. if they basket is still around next time, i might just purchase it now.
    your home is beautiful. thanks for sharing.
    cute family :O)


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