Thursday, April 23, 2009

living in the moment~ an inspirational story

I stumbled across this story today.

I don't know that i have ever heard a more tender story of bravery,
unconditional sacrificial love,
& the joy of living your life to the fullest --each moment.
The link i have is actually from snopes which a longer version of the story.
I urge you to take the 120 seconds it will take to read this.....

Personally, I pray I learn from this story....that i take to heart the lesson from this beautiful bride ....that i learn to not live a life wrapped up in fear (which i struggle with frequently) ...
that I take each day as a blessing & live it , out loud, to its fullest blessing.

you must click on the words/text to go to the photo essay
...then click the little bubbles at the bottom of the page. )


  1. she was beautiful...none of us our promised another day. we need to live life to the fullest and be ready to meet our creator.

  2. Paige~thank you for the tender reminder. We must not waste a single moment. Life is just too precious.

    Sharon RN

  3. I saw this yesterday on someone else's blog, and was teary eyed. Incredible and beautiful! Glad you shared it here for our readers :)

  4. Rachel said it - Incredible and beautiful. Such a great reminder. Thanks

  5. This really puts life into perspective. It's a bitter sweet story that can't help but tug at the heart. Thank you for sharing this. It makes me want to be the best wife I can be to my husband.

  6. So beautiful Paige! We just can't take anything for granted can we? Oh, if my husband were home I would SO go snuggle him right now!!!

  7. I saw this on a blog yesterday too. It is such a beautiful, heart-breaking story. Gives me chills. How easy it is to take so much for granted.

  8. It is amazing...thank you.

    I too strugle a lot not to wrap up my life in fear, not to have the fear of loss darkening my most precious moments. Time is infinite while it lasts...and I guess that´s what we have to keep in mind.

    Have a great day, filled with precious moments. By the way, I love the pictures on your blog. They seem to capture the beauty and happiness beyond the visible. Thanl you for them as well.

  9. That was a remarkable story and beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Paige,

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. It was such a great reminder of how precious life is.

    As I was reading the story, I just kept thinking what love, strength and courage those two young people had. What a beautiful couple.

  11. i needed this lesson today...

    my endless worrying about the little and insignificant has just been reminded to be left at the door...

    thank you for posting this.

    cheers to a lovely weekend.

  12. Hello Paige,

    a very sad story...
    It remainds me, how short and hard life sometimes is...
    But its also a Love-Story...thank you for posting this...


  13. I've been reading your blog for a while, but am only now commenting. I knew Katie most of her life. Our families attended church together and I was several years older than she was and babysat for her and her sister. She was truly an amazing girl and then woman. Please pray for her family...her mom and sister especially...her father, David just passed away in March after a long battle with cancer.

  14. Morning Paige~ what a reminder, what a fighter, what an incredible story. I need to let the worry go and enjoy each day no matter what i brings. thank you for sharing, I passed it along to some of my friends...I hope you have a wonderful weekend~ XO

  15. What a heartbreaking story, with a wonderful lesson. I truly feel most problems are surmountable as long as you, and the ones you love, have their health. I do know from personal experience that when your health, or your child's health, is threatened, everything else falls away.

    Thanks you for sharing this. Your blog (and you) inspires me every time I visit.


  16. Amazing. Living out loud in a true sense!

    Life can rain and yes we should keep our heads up, but not so up and not moving forward that we get drowned by the rain (fear) that is trying to cleanse us and make us better for Him.

    What an inspiration this girl and her husband are!

  17. what a story paige, and thanks for sharing it.
    beautiful couple and so much love.

  18. Wow! Beautiful! Inspiring! Tender!

    Thanks for sharing.


  19. Wow! You and Kristin bless my socks off! Thanks for coming by...The way you have be-friended my sister means the world to me...I am so protective of her, and its good to know that she has great friends like you out there! Thanks for stopping by! XOXO

  20. Thanks for posting. What an amazing couple! This article reminds me to live in the moment!

  21. I love this story..such a wonderful and sweet reminder to keep living life to the fullest even in the midst of the unthinkable!

  22. Thank you for sharing this. I have been going through a difficult situation and I find myself feeling sorry for myself and being a general downer. I need to remember that life is what we make of it....trials or not.

  23. "Once you choose Hope, anything is possible."

    Remember to always..."DREAM BIG!!!"


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