Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kasey's photo challenge

People often times ask my why I take so many pictures. What on earth do I do with all my pictures? Isn't it a hassle?

I have so much to learn regarding my beloved little canon.....& would love to one day take a class so i can throw a term such as aperture around in my everyday talk. I think capturing the little moments in life and documenting them on film has become my most favorite hobby. I can spend hours a day editing photos, printing photos, just perusing them, recalling the events surrounding them, framing them, and even painting them.

I want to remember life's fleeting moments . I want to chronicle our days. I want to have a tangible record of how much I love my girls and how flippin crazy i am over my hubby. I want them to feel beautiful.....that whether they are dressed in a beaded formal gown for a pageant or pony tails and ripped jeans just walking on the beach....that I treasure each moment I have with them. When Caroline is running the fields flying a kite and giggling, when Savannah is cheering in front of hundreds of football fanatics, when Madison's blue eyes dance in the sunlight, when Emi builds a sandcastle.....I love each of those little moments and each of those girls so much. I think they feel a sense of pride when they see me pull out the camera and know that whatever they're doing , i think its wonderful enough to capture.

I think photography , as many important aspects of our lives, takes time and a commitment. It requires making an effort to sometimes stand back and enjoy whats going on around us while attempting to freeze us in that particular moment. It doesn't mean everyone needs to look just right or that the photo has to be taken with a $2,000 camera or fancy lens, but just a heart that's set on taking it all in, absorbing right where we are.
Kasey is having a photo challenge and has several ladies have joined in....go check out their captured moments!


  1. precious pictures...how could that be a hassle?! you have a lovely family.
    i really like the picture with the pink cowgirl hat and the one with all the girls jumping.
    cute cute.

  2. 2 posts in 2 days ... oh you make my heart happy :)

    your pictures are always so beautiful. the subjects and the photographer behind the lens ... make me smile.

    ok, so when are we getting that Diet Coke???? Tuesdays or Fridays are best ... my 'off' days.

    **btw, what is that outfit that sweet Caroline has on in the pics? the white one with the pantaloons??? be still my heart!**

  3. You capture innocent & pure childhood, family love, inner beauty and your gorgeous family perfectly. I admire your photography and your life philosophies so much! I have followed your blog for a little while, and I apologize for not posting a comment sooner.

    I could have written that post myself, that's exactly why I take as many photos as I do, and I don't regret a single one of them.

    Have a great day!

  4. Love it, Love it, Love it all!! But that photo of caroline in the hat.... I've always wanted to copy that one!!!! It just might be my favorite. (have I said that before about other photos?) can't choose!!!

  5. oh Paige, you are just a whiz here.
    look at all the lovely pics.
    well done.

  6. That is too much fun. As always just love how you put things into words perfectly.

    xo friend, k

  7. You have such a gorgeous family!!! :)

  8. Cute cute cute! I always love your pictures. :)

  9. Beautiful photos of your lovely girls and cute Hubby! What a great post! I'm sure your girls and Hub are so delighted with the way you have been capturing all the special moments in their lives. You are one inspiring woman!

  10. Where do i begin... amazing, beautiful, filled with love! great shots of your family! loved your words about photography ... so true!!
    thank you for sharing... :)

  11. Paige, this is why I love your blog, you don't just throw a few gorgeous pictures up, you add the most beautiful words to go with it, words that make us all stop and think..and I just love that..your family is amazing and you are a wonderful mommy to take the time to document their lives and yours so perfectly, $2,000 camera or not! it doesn't matter! It is about love and family. Amen!

  12. I have admired the photos on your site for some time. I would never have guessed you hadn't had photographic training. I only hope that when I have children I can capture half as much of their joy and spirit in my photos. I love the photo of all your four girls on the beach jumping for joy!

  13. I just love your pics and those beach pictures have me ready to pack up and take a trip right now! Which Cannon do you have?

  14. What wonderful pictures and a great post too! I'm hoping to get the opportunity to take a class or 2 too and take my cmaera off of Auto more;)

  15. These photos rock!! When I think I family vacations, these are the images that come to mind. Love them all.

  16. Beautiful photographs. You have a talent.

  17. You are such a talented photographer. I love all of these pictures! Beach pictures are my favorite!

  18. I am always so blown away by your beautiful photos. I love the beach one where everyone is jumping in the air. So very cool!

  19. we're the same way with photos... we take a ton. sometimes the editing and organizing does overwhelming, but i love chronicling our life through photos!

    and i need a camera class too! ;)

  20. I couldn't agree with you more. Photos are my most treasured belonging. We love to sit and look through our albums. I can smile, laugh and cry just looking through our memories. Your photos are always stunning and your girls will love to have these someday.

  21. These photos of your family are beautiful....I love them all!! I could not imagine life without pictures to remember and relive all those special moments:)

    Have a wonderful week....and thanks for your sweet comments on flickr today!


  22. PAIGE!!! Wow your photos are so special. They actually changed my mood. Thanks for that.
    Pics really do speak a 1000 words~
    Great job girl!

  23. How did I not know you have four G-I-R-L-S??? They look about the same ages as my boys too... I will refrain from mentioning the store I found yesterday that made me want to try one more time... :)

    I gave you an award today so come on over and take a peek~

    Have a fantastic Sunday my friend,

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Your little one is darling. What a gorgeous family!

  26. these are amazing pictures! I know I do not have to tell you what an amazing family you have!! It looks like you are also blessed to live in an amazing place! :) Kim, Texas

  27. Wow I am speechless! You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. I'm usually not one to read every word on someones blog especially when it inst about decorating, but something about the way you write sparks inspiration in me. Keep writing!! You have a gift!...and such a beautiful family!


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