Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh my...

sweet caroline came home from school yesterday feeling horrible with flu-like symptoms. by late afternoon she had spiked a temp between 104-105 that lasted for 7.5 hours. she slept fitfully (although she's comfortable now) all night. i already have a call into the office & hopefully she can be seen first thing this morning.
while all that was going on, i had major computer issues. tried to log on to my online bank account to see they needed identification confirmation with loads of personal data. called the bank as i'd never seen this before. moments later i get a call from a man who's title included
'Senior Engineer Emerging Threat Analysis and Solution DevelopmentCorporate Information Security'--had to go on a live chat with half a dozen technical men.....very very james try to locate the 'unknown malicious software virus thingy'...of course they didn't refer to it as a thingy....this took multiple phone calls totally over 3 hours.
supposedly we 'recovered the thingy' but possilby i could have 3 ferensic team members (seriously) fly in from north carolina to work on my hard drive....... geez

savannh turns sweet sixteen on valentines day

feeling a tad overwhelmed


  1. Bless.your.heart. Overwhelmed? Why would you be overwhelmed? That's silly. Take care of yourself and that sweet sicky you've got.

  2. Oh my word - what a day you had!! Hope Caroline is feeling better and the computer stuff gets figured out. Happy b-day a bit early to your sweet 16-girl!!


  3. Oh dear, What a difficult start today. I will remember you in my prayers today! Have a wonderful Valentines Day/ birthday with your family. Lissa

  4. Just covering you girly in big prayers! I am here for you.

  5. Wow...that's alot! Hope Caroline is feeling better soon.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet sixteen year old. I have a daughter turning 24 on the 15th!

    Sounds like serious computer stuff! Can't wait to hear what the they find!!

  6. Sorry to hear you have a sick one...I have had one home for 3 days with similar symptoms. Hope Caroline and your computer issues get well soon. Just relax and snuggle with your precious little girl!

  7. oh dear. and as for bdays.....i hear ya! my guy is turning 8.
    hope Caroline feels better soon.

  8. First--Hope caroline feels better. Next_LOVE THAT HAT!!!!!!!!!

    Was someone trying to hack your account? Scary stuff.


  9. Hope Miss Caroline is feeling better....Sarah has it too...started with the croup and now we are into the full blown flu....YUCK!!

    Wow...that is some scary stuff about your computer...I am glad they are on top of it!

    Hope you have a breat bday celebration:)


  10. How crazy is that! I have never heard of such a thing! I hope your sweet daughter has a wonderful birthday! I love that pix and that cute hat! I wish you could take pix of my cuties!

  11. WOW!

    You handle life with such grace.

    Prayers for you right now friend. One foot in front of the other ... remembering that God has gone before - and he chose you for this .... right now. Today.


  12. Oh my...when it raisn it pours. I hope sweet Caroline is feeling better...those sick days are so hard for all involved!

    Gosh...after getting ove the inconvenience, the bank thingy does sound all excitiing I think...hipe that works out as well!!

    Thinking of you all...and sending some good thoughts and prayers your way!!


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