Tuesday, July 15, 2008

creative inspiration

I know I've already shared my adoration for Heidi Swapp with you. Honestly, she's who completely altered my view of scrapbooking. Her funky fun style & totally hip personality , plus her over use of pink ( wink!) inspired me to create a new form of art for me, scrapbooking & now I'm hooked.
Two summers ago Heidi hosted a photography contest. The winner would recieve a ginormous box of Heidi goodies & a way fun funky summer tote she created. But the real prize was that Heidi herself would use the photos to scrap a layout. Hundreds & hundreds of photos were submitted.
I was at the Seaside wtih one of my besties for her 40th birthday all-girls blowout when Dan called & said I'd won!!!!!!!!!!! Get out!! To have my favorite celebrity ( because in the world of scrapbooks, she is a rockstar) create a layout using my photos was more than I could stand.
Sure enough, a huge ( I mean huge) box of goodies arrived....holy happy days! She had told me that "if i didn't want the layout ( as if) she'd love to have it back" HA! I framed that baby so fast your head would spin. I love it, love everything about it...... I wish I could get these images larger so you can see the detail....

Carol Wingert is another one of my favorite artists. I have bought her white book kit & love it. Talk about completely loaded with details & yummy treasures. This summer Carol has put together yet another gorgeous book. I had emailed her to let her know that I'd love one. Sweet Carol let me know that one of Caroline's photos from last summer was actually the inspiration for her to re-create another white book , this time with a summer theme. Talk about completely humbling & flattering at the same time. I was blown away! Thank you sweet Carol!!
You can read her sweet article here & find out about her kits here.

After my scrap-crush on Heidi, I found Jenni Bowlin. Love her simple vintage style & colors. Her kits have long been some of my favorite. Rita joined on with Jenni this spring & talk about a fun crew! I have been a fan of Rita's--always love her fun, colorful, multi-dimensional & cheerful layouts.
She had mentioned wanting to scrap a layout using Caroline's pictures. Are you kidding me ummm.....absolutely!!.....nothing is more flattering than to have someone you admire, in a craft you love, use a "little part" of you in their creation. Rita's layouts & an over the top cute book she created with more pics of Caroline will be with Jenni & crew at CHA this week in their booth!
Here is one of the amazingly sweet layouts she made for us!
I've been pinching myself all week!Well, I hope ya'll didn't mind me sharing some of my fave girls & their creations.
Thank you Heidi, thank you Carol, & thank you Rita....you inspire me!
These are all priceless treasures to me & inspire me daily. Inspire me to spend more time journaling my simple thoughts, capturing the simpleness of our days, & creating little pieces of art along the way.
Blessings to you~~~
ps-Rita just emailed me as soon as I finished the post to let me know her layout I've shown above was voted in the Top 5 today over at Two Peas!!!
check it out & vote if you are a two peas member!!
go rita, YOU are a rockstar baby!!


  1. I never heard the Heidi Swapp story!!! You LUCKY ducky. Of course, it doesnt surprise me with your off the wall photography talent! It was my utter pleasure scrapping Caroline. Now, how can we become neighbors.... ?

  2. Wow, the Heidi Swap layout was amazing. You're one lucky girl!!! Congrats!

  3. OMG - I would die to have Heidi do a LO of Princess-in-Training! I think she is amazing! Thanks for sharing that! I love Rita's work too - She was one of my inspiration to start scrpabooking! I was totally blown away by the pages I saw on her blog yesterday :D I knew that beautiful face right away!

    Ladybug hugs,

  4. These were amazing! You are so good at taking pictures and your girls are SO adorable, anyone would be lucky to work with you!
    Congrats to you and your girls. So deserving!

  5. Paige! I am so excited for you! I ADORE HEIDI SWAPP myself. I would have been over the moon if she did a layout like that for me! But, your photos are the loviest and deserve all the credit!
    Paige how are you sweety?! Girls and Dan doing well?! Just wanted to pop in and say I was thinking of you!
    Bless you Paige! Again you have inspired me!

  6. YOU have an absolutly GREAT blog!!! I love your photographs, LO´s an your amazing girls!!!!

  7. Is ist ok when i will take your link on my blog?

  8. Wow -- that is so cool!! And the layouts with photos of your beautiful girl -- so outstanding! You are very, very talented!


  9. Wow -- that is so cool!! And the layouts with photos of your beautiful girl -- so outstanding! You are very, very talented!


  10. I can see why you received so much recognition. Your blog is beautiful, your photos are stunning and your spirit is so genuine and sweet. I have been reading your blog for a while and I get inspired at each post!

  11. Wow! That's totally amazing. You must be in scrappie heaven right now. Congrats to you!

  12. Wow..small world! I remember when Heidi ran that contest!! I do! I've taken several classes from her as she taught at Memory Lane just up the street from me. Carol Wingert also lives in my town and I've run into her several times...so such a small world! Love the creativity and preciousness! Happy, happy for you, dear gal! : )

  13. This is so wonderful! You are one blessed girl!!!

  14. HI! I just have to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I check it everyday! You are very talented! I love your style! I look forward to more! Julie

  15. Oh Paige, this is SO exciting. I remember the first time I saw one of Heidi Swapp's layouts in one of the "Designing With" books. I have been a fan ever since.

    BTW, I think you should come to Silver Bella....there's still room available :)!!

  16. These layouts are beautiful - congrats on the wins!

  17. How fantastic for you. The layouts are beautiful. I clicked on the framed layout and it enlarged for me.

  18. A personal Heidi Swapp layout! What a treasure! I'd say more but I'm headed over to Two Peas to vote right now!!

  19. I LOVe your Heidi Swapp layout. I follow her too. i COULD blow the page/picture up & see the gorgeous details. As IF you'd send it back!!! Keep scrappin'...

  20. Oh, that's so awesome! You really do have such a great talent with your photography and your blog is the bomb.

    The layouts just take your breath away!!

  21. Paige,

    I discovered you about a week ago (I think I clicked on your comment on someone else's blog). Anywho, I have really enjoyed your blog and been truly inspired by your photography. I would love to take better photos for my own blog and alas, think my little mid-priced digital camera just isn't cutting it any more. Thank you for encouraging me to move forward with shopping for something more grown-up (isn't it wonderful to know you've inspired someone you don't even know! love that about blogging).


    P.S. I'm just around the corner from you down here in Georgia. I wouldn't be surprised if our teenage daughters knew some of the same kids!


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