Friday, June 06, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

as sung in my best julie andrews voice---

pastel colored cottages with white picket fences
rosey colored sunkissed faces with sand in their toes
breezy cool evenings
days without a cloud in the sky
white sand that surely must glow
crystal clear water
finding little shells along the shore
grilled shrimp poboy on a crispy bagette
our condo being just above a wonderful flower shop
a jazz festival out on the lawn
hearing my girls laughter above the sound of the waves crashing
spending uninterupted time with my favorite 5 people
these are a few of my favorite things...

i'll go ahead & give my beach photo next several entries will probably just be pictures from the trip . might not even have much to if you wait until later this summer to visit, i'll understand--wink!!
something about capturing these wonderful days, capturing the moments where everyone seems so at ease & enjoying life, living in the now. i treasure these pictures that we take each year. i will look at them over & over again. i will edit, enlarge, make photo cards, scrapbook, journal, pick out a christmas card picture, frame them , & look at them again until my heart is content.

i know the gold hue in this first one maybe over processed but i LOVE how we captured the little sunbeams. my sweet emi has for years, not wanted me to take many shots of her. this year she was like a different girl.
i soaked it up. i took as many of her as i could.
these next 2 were just spontaneous silly moments pose, no directions, just laughter.

these are for my UGA alum & bulldog lovin' little brother....

our favorite evening treat...snow cones, huge ones! the owner offered to let the girls climb in for a shot...too cute.

a seaside sunset....

this was my favorite new little cottage. the owners must have just painted it this year.....yummy buttery yellow , a periwinkle door, and my favorite detail.....bubble gum pink painted porch ceilings.
i really do think i could live here.....

this one is growing up way too fast.....sigh

it's good to be back home & have all the laundry done!
one is away at cheerleading camp
one is at ballet camp
last night at 8pm it was still 90 degrees & i saw my first lightning bug......its definately summer time here!


  1. Oh,Paige !
    I love all of your pictures.
    You all are just so darn cute !
    I have been waiting to see and hear about your vacation.
    (I love coming here to read your posts...and miss you when you're gone). :-)
    Also, love the haircut on your middle daughter. So "chic".
    Glad you all had a fabluous time and are back home all safe & sound & TAN ! :-)
    With Love,
    Jackie Carl (IN)

  2. Hi Paige,

    Looks like you had a great time and of course you took some beautiful pictures! You really are such a beautiful family....


  3. Oh my -- what beautiful photos!! Everything is so pretty, esp. your lovely family! Glad to hear that you all had a wonderful time -- what a great start to your summer!


  4. Welcome back!

    Paige, you have such a wonderful way with words. I loved reading this post (and probably will read it a few more times). And the photos are just as wonderful. You have a beautiful family.

    I loved seeing all the photos of places in Seaside. It brought back great memories of our vacation there. One of our favorite places in Seaside is the Ice Cream Shop. My kiddies couldn't get enough.

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Welcome home! We missed you! It looks like you all had a wonderful time!! Yeah! The girls are just happy, relaxed and glowing and Paige, you just look simply amazing! What a great collection of photos...but I have to say that the one of the cloud caused me to gasp a bit...what a picture!!! Was that a sunset?? It's awesome! I miss the fireflieis...grew up with them in Ohio...don't have them in Arizona. I remember sitting outside in the early evening waiting for the first ones to wink 'good evening'! Glad you all had such a wonderful time and made it home safe and sound. Wecome home! : )

  6. Hi Paige!

    I LOVE your photos from the beach! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. The girls in the snow cone window is so cute! What a beautiful family:)

    Enjoy the beginning of summer. We are heading off to the beach on Sunday! XO, Clare

  7. Yeah...finally.

    Savannah more and more is looking exactly like you! I love the top pictures of Emi and love the pics of you and Dan! So fun and beautiful. Love the green,blue,white this year.
    Have a fun weekend!

    Lastly, so like me in the getting the laundry done!

  8. Yeah...finally.

    Savannah more and more is looking exactly like you! I love the top pictures of Emi and love the pics of you and Dan! So fun and beautiful. Love the green,blue,white this year.
    Have a fun weekend!

    Lastly, so like me in the getting the laundry done!

  9. YEAH! PICTURES! I love coming to see PICTURES! You can fill the WHOLE page up for me, and I will NEVER get tired of coming to see them! OH they are SOOO cute! It's just like a picture book!
    So, glad to see a new post this afternoon! I've been waiting! :-)
    Now, go to my page! I tagged you a couple of days ago!
    OH, and by the way, I was so totally singing the song to with your words!
    Is there anything you can't do????
    I've a happy girl today,, now that you posted!
    I wish I could just be that lightening bug flying around your house! :-)

  10. Glad you are back!!!!

    I almost couldn't wait for the pictures!

    You look amazing - I love your shirt in your pictures.

    Your girls are just all beautiful. They all look so unique and different, but the same ... sisters. Love it.

    So glad that you are home.


  11. Oh my goodness! What beautiful pictures! You take the best vacation pictures ever! Love the cottage pictures too!

  12. Paige~
    I look forward to all your pictures, they are one of my favorite parts of your blog! I can't believe how big the girls have gotten! Your oldest looks so grown up - I'm surprised hubby isn't beating the boys back with a stick! If you move to that sweet candy colored cottage you HAVE to have me over for some sweet tea on the porch! Looks like you guys had an amazing time!

  13. i have been waiting for some beach pics. love them will you come with us to the beach and take all our pics. great!

  14. Your pictures of your beach vacation are just gorgeous Paige! Your blog is always such an inspiration in word and photos! Thanks for sharing a bit of your time at the beach.....can't wait to see more! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. I am SO glad you all had a wonderful time, the joy shows....and each time I see you as a couple I am reminded of my own blessings after brokenness....thank you for sharing your vacation...I hope one day to experience a warm beach...I've only seen them in Anchorage....but in Alabama we're close enough perhaps....
    Blessings my friend, I am thankful you are safely home, rest well.

  16. Keep the pictures coming! These are just beautiful!! What a pretty beach....and what a lovely family! Looks like you all had a great time :) Now if only I could steal some of your nice sun tan!

  17. Paige,
    I have been a reader for a while and this is the first time I have commented. I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy seeing all of your amazing pictures and hearing your stories! It makes me want to do a personal blog for my little ones. It IS AMAZING how quickly they grow. You always have such a way with words and it is such an inspiration. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful pictures and hearing more of your wonderful stories. Thank you for sharing.
    Christy (Roswell, GA)

  18. What an adorable family you all are! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the family picture on the beach, that is awesome! I also love the picture of the girls in the ice cream shop!...too cute! And, the cottage is to die for, love the pink ceiling too! :)

  19. Oh Paige!
    How I have missed your blog and you! My work (Mercy General Hosp) is working me back to back 12hr's is killing me *sigh*! But good news Jim is coming home every week now (overtime has dried up for now). It has been lovely and these times will be treasured. Alas, soon they will be over.
    Miss & love ya!

  20. Oh Paige, these photos are just perfect!! I love seeing and hearing about your beach trips.
    You are such a beautiful family.

  21. You have such a beautiful family! These pictures are great. I gotta ask, where is your shirt from? I love it:)


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