Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a little of this & a little of that

You sweet blog friends,
you just never know what you'll be subjected to when you drop by here.
Sorry about that!
But, none the less, you continue to be some of the most encouraging friends!
Thank you , again, for all the heart felt words of concern lately. We've had some heavy days lately combined with some heavy conversations.
I appreciate each & every note so much. You are so dear.
I realize some wonderful bloggers keep things just "business" with wonderful photos of personal creations & loads of crafty inspiration and I love those. Some of my favorite blogs inspire me with amazing photography or wonderful eye candy. A few blogs that I read are full of broken hearts that are just getting through to the next day. Each of those speak to me, whether connecting to a deep place in my soul
or just leaving me with a beautiful verse or quote and a smile.
I guess mine is just a "where I am" for the day kinda blog
--usually uneventful & probably quite boring....sigh.
I wish I was better at keeping a hand written journal~ I'm working on it!
The local strawberry patch is in full bloom.
For the last several years we've made a few trips each summer.
Our freezer & our friends are all loaded with yummy homemade strawberry jam. I'm hoping we will get a chance to get out there before they are all gone.
Here are some pictures from years past...
all pre-digital camera so sorry for the lack of clarity.
I love the first two-Caroline with a mouth full of berries & juice stained fingers to match!

between several pairs of red cowboy boots,
red hannah andersson clogs
and some cute straw hats,
Caroline has always been a good sport for
"i'll take the pictures, you pick the berries"

sweet emi, about 8 1/2 years ago...

I also wanted to include a few of Madison in class. She has worked so hard this year & I've seen so much improvement. Due to the level she dances, she goes to class 5 days a week...whew!

switching gears...
Have you seen the new Amy Butler goodies
( found them at Michaels)
....oh my....
great colors, great textures, little fabric swatches ,
fabric tape, cute little tote , way too fun die-cuts,
fabric colored brads,
glittered & flocked paper.....give me strength!

Since I'm all over the board,
for all you AI fans...
we have some serious love going on
for our man
David Cook !!!!!
Another thing.....found these t's at the gap.
Surely they are the softest t-shirt I've ever worn & at $16!
run & grab a few!

6 more days & those cuties will be out of school...home all day, asking when we can go to the pool, eating all the food, leaving me remembrances of them in each room, wiping me out of diet coke .......
I mean , 6 more days until I can spend loads of time with my sweet girls....wink!


  1. Okay....coming out of lurkdom to say that I get inspired each and every time I visit your blog. I just never know exactly how you will inspire....but you just have such a grace in all that you do. Thank you for that!!

    Could I link your blog in my favorites section??

    Thanks so much,


  2. Paige,

    Where do you get that adorable Ay butler stuff? Love the photos of Caroline in the Strawberry patch. I think we are going this weekend to ours:)


  3. How exciting that the girls will be out of school soon! I think I am more anxious than Maya for that last day of school! Love the patch pictures! When you have a hcane can you please send me your jam recipe? I tried on year and yikes it was B-A-D!! This weekend I will be planting 50 - yes, 50 strawberry plants (ordered from one of those catalogs...nobody wants any, I've tried to give some away to my family, friends and neighbors - no luck, so I'm thinking it will be a big jam year! Take care sweetie! You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. we should have an area blog fest to the nearest strawberry patch! my friend cstargel is dying to meet you! :) i feel like i know you already .. :)

    love the pictures.

    i check your blog everyday ... and if you made me bored, i wouldn't. i get so excited when i see a new post ... like i just want to grab a cup of tea and sit back with a good book.

    praying for you ....


  5. I love your strawberry patch photos! you are a very talented photographer! what kind of camera do you use?

  6. I have been busy lately, if you've seen my blog page, so I missed coming for the visits. I loved this sweet post. As always they touch my heart in a way like no one else does. Great photos as always!

  7. Yours is one of my favorite blogs - your photos are so lovely and your words so true and real. I'll bet your girls are counting down the next 6 days too!


  8. just wanting to pass some 'thank you's' to you for directing me to your friend's blog = Bring The Rain. What a journey and what a wonderful story she has to tell of love, hope and faith. I also am keeping your family in prayer..hoping sunshine finds its way to you this week - and yeah! for stained fingers! ; ) Cute!

  9. Love the pic's of your girls at the strawberry patch. WE are going to Logansville on Saturday to pick (agan ;D). The children had so much fun picking in South Carolina ~ which we do every year that we decided to try this place that a friend recommended.

    I am green with envy (wink wink) at your beautiful finds! I love walking into the scrapbooking store and looking at all the beautiful papers! But alas, I am a digi scraping girl - but the inspiration - ah :D

    Ladybug hugs,

  10. I have been reading your blog on a regular basis. I find that you are inspirational in your blog and I enjoy reading. Thanks for sharing bits of yourself.

  11. Wow Paige~ Your photo's are just beautiful. I have not seen the new Amy Butler stuff at Micheals, have to check that out!!!
    Thanks for sharing, julie

  12. Those photos are just beautiful. I love them! Your blog is very inspiring. :)


  13. Lovely, lovely photos of your girls as always!

    Happy summer vacation!


  14. Beautiful photos, Paige. The strawberry patch looks like such fun! I am always inspired by you whether it is a post like this or more serious, I share in your journey. I think we all do.

  15. Love those pics of your gorgeous girls.

    I didn't know about Amy Butler at Michael's! I'm all over that! Thanks for the heads up.

  16. Paige,
    I always enjoy your blog no matter what the topic of the day might be! You are more inspiring than I think you realize! Thanks for always sharing. The strawberries have been so yummy this season! I'm loving that Amy Butler stuff. I need to hit up Michaels! Enjoy your weekend. Only 3 more school days!

  17. Your blog is perfect, and you are a wonderful person whose blog is a joy to read, regardless of the topic. My heart goes out to you, your MIL and your respective families...

    Much love,

  18. I have to say, Paige, that visiting your blog is one of my favorite stops. You always make me smile and just want to come over your house to visit you! and hug you! Such great photos, as always...and, thanks for the heads up on the AB stuffs at Michaels. haven't seen any of that yet. xo

  19. Your photos are amazing!!!


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