Saturday, April 12, 2008

The tulip house

My oldest daughter is convinced that we are the only family staying home for spring break, that surely we are the only people left here in Atlanta.
I'm not so sure why she was she left Thursday for Cumberland Island & is staying in one of the former HGTV dream homes--sigh.
Well, we did have a nice spring break even if we stayed in Atlanta. Caroline got a way too cute little haircut. I think I've told you before she has a skin/hair/nails condition making her hair very very slow to grow. Her little bangs up top have never been cut. I snapped a few pics when we got home from the salon & just love how cute & stacked it is.
Who says I don't know how to have fun on spring break?
Last year I posted on our visit to one of the most gorgeous homes in Atlanta. The tulip house as we affectionately refer to it was featured in one of our home & garden tours. Its an older home in a very affluent part of downtown & it is breathtaking!

of course, we had a quick wardrobe change~

I wish I had taken a panoramic view of the house for you to get a better idea of all the hundreds of tulips.

a little time for skipping....

I want to thank you for all the warm & thoughtful comments you have left over the last month. I must tell you Lil was just so tickled when I handed her 32 pages of printed comments & emails. Unfortunately the chemo they've given her has caused a tremendous amount of pain. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday to receive chemo over the weekend. Please know how very much the prayers & notes you sent her have given her hope & encouragement.

thank you thank you



  1. Oh Paige - LOL - Ian was exactly the same this week! Everyone is at the beach :D Well, not everyone!

    Those images are stunning! Li Li and I are going to one of those "special" houses in Midtown next week for a look-see and you can bet I'll have my camera for some impromptu images :D I just can't believe how stunning the tulips are this year!

    Ladybug hugs,

  2. I LOVE the haircut! She is so beautiful. The pictures of her skipping are so sweet:) I'm keeping your mother in law in my prayers. Definitely share those pictures with her. I bet they will make her forget about the pain, even for a few moments.

  3. What I love about you and your family is that you take time for precious moments and you always capture them beautifully in pictures. I love the one of Dan and Caroline walking hand in hand. Precious Darling! Thanks for the update on Lil and I will keep her health and joy tucked in prayers. Next year would Savannah let us come along to the previous "HGTV Dream Home"!

  4. Such a cute haircut and love you photo's, I am curious what kind of camera you have? wonderful photo's, I month ago i found your blog and this is the first time i have commented.
    Beautiful family,
    Chris in Iowa

  5. Beautiful photos! Your little girl is so adorable -- love the new haircut -- she looks so sweet!


  6. Adorable haircut! She is just beautiful.


  7. Hello, I just found your blog and I LOVE it! You are blessed w/ such a beautiful family. I read back and could not help but cry at some of the older posts. May God continue to bless you.

  8. Love tulips and Love the tulip house pictures - Where is that? Wondered if you and Dan made it to Roswell this weekend to shop and if not, this Thursday is Alive After 5! They do it every third Thursday of each month so if you don't get there this week...Please, please stop in April Mi and introduce yourself! I'd love to meet you and play the name game with you and your husband! Oh...and I don't think I ever told you but I think the store you are thinking of with the sugarboo frames is probably Olive and Fig. I got one of mine there. Also, LOVE her haircut! Precious!

  9. hi paige ~ wow has she grown, but still looks carefree and happy to do whatever on spring break. i know, "everyone" is doing everything that we aren't too! although my little one is flying to cali by herself this week for her big b-day trip! i will survive!
    happy belated b-day! and blessing to you and your family -
    xo heidi

  10. Beautiful, stunning pics-- and tulips are my favorite flower.

  11. I love all the photos of sweet Caroline! I am praying for Lil.


  12. You are amazing with that camera Paige. What a wonderful post and gorgeous photos!! Your daughter is so beautiful. As are you. xo

  13. Is there nothing more wonderful than a beautiful baby in the springtime? Great captures of her personality and heart. Dh and I will pray for Lil each morning and evening in our couple prayer time.

  14. Caroline is so beautiful and photogenic. You have a natural model in the making.


  15. I was so happy to see a new post. I check everyday for comments about your MIL. I will continue to keep her in my prayers.
    Your daughter is so beautiful. You do such a WONDERFUL job with your photos. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I love coming to your page!

  16. These pictures are a delight, an absolute delight. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  17. your daughter is breathtakingly beautiful... =) what a sweetheart! debbie

  18. I always gasp when your blog opens! Your pictures are phenomenal!

  19. You take the most amzing photos. I love seeing them. Your daughter is so adorable and I love how she dresses. I miss those days with my daughter. Now her wardrobe is jeans and ambercrombie t's and sweatshirts (not my favorite).

    Enjoy your day!!

  20. Oh these are such beautiful pictures! Your subject is stunning :)!

  21. I spied some of your photos at Flickr and popped on over to your blog for a peek - lovely photography and a very inspirational blog! My sister and I have a blog called DreamKeyper and would love for you to stop by!

    Have a beautiful day!

  22. You have such a gift with photography Paige. Beautiful!!

  23. hi Paige !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your photographs of your daughter are soooo wonderful !! thanks so much for stopping in my blog ! I am also sorry to hear about your friend - I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers- please stay in touch !!!!!

  24. Hi Paige
    I was hoping you could reccomend some good christian music cd's. Oh
    and where do you shop for such cute clothes! Thankyou

  25. Hello, I just caught up on your blog! Happy belated birthdays and anniversary!! When did Caroline get so big?? Wasn't I looking at pictures of her 3 yrs. old last summer? :) Love the tulip pictures!! The last one with dad is SO precious!! Prayers for Lil. :)


  26. your blog is perfection! blessings to you...abundantly!

  27. I just came back to check for a new post and just noticed the text at the bottom of the post. (I have been so tired from work which is why I missed it)

    I am so sorry Lil was in pain. I hope she is feeling better and that the chemo is working. I am praying...


  28. Beautiful pictures!! I LOVE your blog!!

  29. I LOVE Caroline's new looks great on her! Maya wants to get hers cut too in a similiar style, but I told her not until after her communion this weekend. Hope things are well with you and the family! Just wanted to say hi and love the new do!

  30. Love her hair- so cute and stylish! Truly beautiful photos!!

  31. What a darling haircut and such beautiful photos, as always.


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