Tuesday, February 05, 2008

my girls wonder--

why i don't wear high heels on a regular basis....

today's schedule:
run errands
play ball with brinkley
put away the laundry
clean toilets
let brinkley out again
take caroline to the ortho 2:00
pick up madison from school 4:00
take madison to ballet 4:15
feed small two
take emily to church 6:00
pick up madison from ballet 6:30
pick up savannah from cheerleading 6:30
feed big two
(dan has a basketball game--don't think we can get to that one tonight)
pick up emily from church 8:00
try to have some quality time with hubby
fall into bed
& we call ourselves "stay at home moms"! ha!


  1. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed looking through your site - you have a beautiful family and your heart and sole has spilled out over these pages - you are blessed. Your days with your daughters are jammed packed with activities, but you are still able to take the time to blog and draw upon everyone around you to bring love and joy into your life and those around you....thank you for letting me see a glimpse of your beauty....

  2. Now that is funny friend of mine!

  3. I am going to have to de-lurk on this one. I found your site a week or so ago & since looked at EVERY single pictures of your BEAUTIFUL family & read much of your amazing life - or at least the glimpse through the living room curtains of your blog. Your daughters (and YOU!) are very beautiful women who have a soft heart for Our Lord and I stand in awe. Thanks for advancing the Kingdom with your tenderness.

    A few weeks ago I was talking on the cell phone in the car & I was empathizing with a girlfriend that "stay at home moms" should get a salary. After I hung up, my 5 year old son says"what is a stay at home mom?" - I told him and he argued, "Well, you're not a stay at home mom - we are NEVER at home!" Nice.

    I also fell in love with this Keith urban song on your blog:) I even posted about it!!



  4. So true!


  5. Lovely post as usual. Come by and visit me when you get a chance! How I do like coming here, it is so peaceful for me here.

  6. Hi, I found your blog through Tracy Porter's. How wonderful this is. You have a wonderful family and outlook on life. Love the high-heel comment. I shall come back!

  7. high heels are over rated. palm beach sandals and crocks are the best. especially for busy moms. i like the new header. have a blessed day!

  8. This is a great post, and I love your new look. Love it all, Paige!

  9. Haha, I'm SO with you on this!!

  10. how could you wear heels on a day like that? your family is so blessed to have you :)

  11. I have never owned or worn a pair of high heels in my whole life!!!

    What a schedule! That is what my days look like too.

    I love it here at your blog:)



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