Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sweet hymns of joy....

I love the beauty of old hymns.
As much as I enjoy much of the modern worship songs of today, seldom do they match the eloquence of the hymns of long ago.
Christmas carols are no exception.
Having grown up singing these songs and taking the beauty of the words for granted I sang them with a lack of conscious reverence. Recently I have tried to truly meditate on them---maybe print the lyrics & just ponder them for a quiet time of reflection. Here are a few of my personal favorites...

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
chains shall he break for the slave is our brother
& in His name all oppression shall cease
sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we
let all within us praise His holy name.

A thrill of hope
the weary world rejoices
for yonder breaks a new & glorious morn
fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born

Oh Jesus forever by Thy name adored
Word of the Father
now in flesh appearing
O come let us adore Him

I want to extend a warm note of gratitude to Kim for featuring me on Today's Creative Blog. She is has such an encouraging spirit, always full of wonderful sweet words for those whom she chooses to feature. Having a blog is such a great outlet for me. It allows me to creatively journal our life & my simple thoughts for my girls. I am equally blessed by the kindred spirits with whom I have been fortunate to connect. I appreciate each & every comment you take the time to leave me.

Blessings to you today!


  1. Hey there Miss Paige. That was a wonderful post. You always give me something to think about : )
    I too was also blessed to connect with your kindred spirit yesterday.

    Nice to know you neighbor : )


  2. Okay Miss tell.. I simply MUST have one of those capes for Katie Ru! I lvoe old hymns too. Thank you for sharing that one.


  3. Such pretty pictures of your daughter and lovely post! Your Christmas decorating is so beautiful! Would you mind telling me where you found your hat lamp or lampshade? Best wishes to you and your family for the holidays.


  4. I had forgotten that you had taken these of Caroline in the past. I love, love, love these images of Caroline. She looks like an old fashioned Christmas card. Love to you friend.

  5. What adorable pictures. I have truly enjoyed looking at your blog and reading your posts.

    And that hat and cape are precious.

  6. How adorable! Love all of the pictures of Ms. Caroline!

  7. what sweet pictures of Caroline! I love the old hymns too! I hope they don't all get forgotten!


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