Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Several weeks ago sweet Tracy sent me the 'you make me smile award' & I'm just a little behind sending that back out into blogland. Tracy is one of my favorite online friends. I love Tracy's creative spirit with a funky edge. She is an amazing artist with a mile long list of talents. Below is one of her vintage bottle these little treasures & have 3 of them each placed in some of my favorite little spots all through the house. I've told her before that I wish she was my nextdoor neighbor! Actually I'd love all 3 of the ladies listed below to be my neighbors!

One of her fall home charms.....can't wait to see Christmas ones Tracy--wink!
There are 3 other blog friends whose sites I also check daily & they always make me smile .

Kristin is my life long- most treasured friend. Besides my hubby, she has been my #1 cheerleader through many of lifes ups & downs. She is a selfless & loyal friend whom I am blessed to call friend. She tries to see the good in all people.

For those of you who emailed me about the boo picture--she is the graphic artist who did the photo-editing on that one--isnt she great!

Bethy~I love her blog. She has fabulous taste & an hysterical dry sense of humor. She has a tender heart & loves to create a warm home for her family. I try not to covet too many of the wonderful things in her home-especially the farm table from beach dwelling.-ha!

I love to drop by & see what she has to say & always leave with a smile. And anyone who loves crocs as much as I do is definately a kindred spirit!

Rebecca~ I feel like each entry is a daily devotional. She is a warm, kind, godly woman. I have been encouraged many times as she talks about the simple life & what really matters. She is probably clueless that she ministers to so many women through the eloquence of her journal. All that plus she's incredibly talented. Wish i was going to SilverBella so I could hug her neck!

Thankful Thursday----I saw this on a sweet blog & thought it would be a great plan for blogging in November.

I am thankful for this man. He tells me dozens of times each day how much he loves me. He is my soul mate & my best friend.
I love you big guy!

I am so thankful for the individuality of each of my girls ----I am thankful for the special ways they each make me smile.

My silly oldest child- always smiling & full of personality!

Who says 9th graders can't trick or treat. Here she is with some of her absolutely adorable friends. Are they the cutest M&M's ever or what!

I am thankful she is a blast!

(She's the one in yellow!)
I am thankful Madison is so passionate about what she does 6 days a week--ballet. Obviously to be that commited you must love what you do & she does. Ballet is what she's always loved.
Currently she is preparing for the nutcracker where she will perform in 16 shows!
I am thankful that she has an easy going & pleasant spirit.

I am thankful Caroline is such a happy little girl who loves school--pictures below from field day. The girls go to a wonderful school & have awesome teachers!

I am thankful for her cheerful spirit & that she gives the biggest hugs!

Sweet sisters....

I am thankful for the days when my sweet Emi will let me take her picture.....she usually prefers to do anything else! One beautiful fall day she wanted to go to Stone Mountain by the lake & let me photograph her-- it was a gorgeous day--i love how the sun glows of her precious face.
I am thankful for her loyal heart.
I am thankful Caroline loves her red cowboy boots as much as I do!!

& I am thankful for all the sweet encouraging blog friends that I have been blessed to "meet". I love each & every comment.

~~Have a blessed Thursday~~


  1. And you are my most treasured lifelong friend. I love it that you blog so everyone can see the pictures of your girls and your words in how you live your life in truth and love your family with all your heart. You are real, you are hope oriented, you are honest, you are so fun, you are creative and smart, you love God with a tender and faithful heart, you are an overcomer, you are glass half full, you are wise, you are an awesome mother, incredible wife to Dan and you are in a word, True.

  2. thank YOU :) :)
    you are so good to me with all of your kind words. a generous blog friend you are and i treasure you :)

  3. I love your Thankful Thursday post! I am thankful that I wandered upon your blog (and Kristin's too). You seem like such a great Mom:)


  4. You know I took a break from blogging for awhile and I just came back on. I wanted to visit your blog and I'm so glad I did. It's just as I remembered - makes me smile everytime I visit.

  5. Wonderful post!

    You are such an accomplished photographer. I love all the photos you take of your daughters, but especially Caroline. She is such a doll and so photogenic. She could be a model.


  6. I recently discovered your blog. I love it! What a beautiful family you have too. I will add your blog to my favorites list on mine (grace303). Have a good Monday!

  7. I love how thankful you are for everything in your life. you are a special spirit that I am thankful has come into my life...


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