Saturday, October 20, 2007

a field of wildflowers

Beside our exit off the highway, there is a field filled with purple poppies & wildflowers. The girls were out of school monday & i really wanted to take Caroline over for some photos.
"I'll take you for a treat"
"OK--can we go get a hotdog from QT?"

Dont you love it when you have those rare moments when you actually are as hip as your teenager?!
The local radio station here in Atlanta that Savannah frequently listens to has started playing one of my fave new artists Colbie Caillet!!

But the funny thing is that I've been playing her cd for a few months now.

"Wow mom, there's that girl you like"

yes, it is rare, & it was only a for a moment, but i was cool......


  1. LOL! Oh, too funny, Meg! Yes, it's a 'moment' when you are as cool as your daughter! My daughter is stunned that I like a Nellie Furtado song... mind you...she's 16 and I'm 50... so it's just amazing to her that there is a song in this world that we both like! I haven't heard of this artist that you mentioned...I'll have to check her out. The pictures of Caroline are beautiful... what a field of purple! And such a bargin for some sweet pictures!! Have a great weekend! : )

  2. i love those cool moments too. very fleeting her though, mine like to pretend they don't like it when they realize i liked it first. i love colbie. i had her on my blog but thought it might annoy people to leave it so i took it off. good one!

  3. I have had this cd for a while now too and just love it!

  4. Oh how I wish I lived near you so that I could hire you to photograph my absolutely bring your subjects to life!!
    Of course, your subjects are so utterly adorable...


  5. How fun! And yes you are a cool mom! :)

  6. What a beautiful field of flowers!


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