Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This I know

Kitty issued a challenge several weeks ago to scrap our walk with the Lord, right where we are , today. I was glad she included me as I really felt this was something I needed to do.
I much prefer to scrap, talk about, and even journal the happy things. I don't like to acknowledge when I'm sad, hurt or struggling with an issue.
Really, who does?
I believe that it is quite simple to have a strong faith when all is good, when all is right with the world. Who can't be a happy, joyful person on days like that.
But I have learned who I really am is revealed while I'm hurting, while I'm walking through the shadow of death.
I strive to be real.
But I also want to have balance.
I don't want to be a negative person, but i want to be a realist.
I want to have a joyful spirit deep within, not just slap a smile on & pretend life is great.
I want to acknowledge & face my problems or challenges not just blissfully act as if they don't exist.
I tried to keep this layout simple to show that's where I am these days- trying to simplify.
Simplify my life, my expectations & to have a childlike faith.
I used one of my favorite images of Caroline walking at the beach to represent how we walk through beautiful surroundings each day. This walk may not always be along the shore ( which i would prefer) but is right where the Lord placed me,today.
I used the brass key & key tag from heather's shop as a symbol of the key to my walk.
I copied my old hymnal page of jesus loves me.
I also decided to sort of "hide" my journaling in the envelope.
I wanted the focus to be the hymm & the simple elements
not the focus be the "me" in my journaling.
I have included what I wrote, maybe too much info for some.
But I also know how much we can encourage one another when we feel like someone has been right where we are, struggling with an issue, a simply walking one step at a time.
If you have had a day where you felt scared or confused,
my prayer is that you find hope today.

my journaling.....

This I know...

This past year has been very challenging for me.

I have dealt with some private medical issues that have left me fearful & anxious.

Fear is what can take over my emotions

It can leave me distracted

It can make me feel overwhelmed

Having lost Gregg to cancer 11 years ago, I am well aware that life is fragile~that we never know what tomorrow holds.Since that time, I have tried to never take the “everyday-ness” of a simple day for granted.

Many nights when I have felt afraid, when I have felt my heart start to race I have tried to quote scripture.

Maybe it’s my immaturity

Maybe it’s my simple faith

But each time, I simply sing the words in my heart“Jesus loves me –this I know”

I sing it over & over

I repeat the promises

The promise that the bible does tell me so…

the bible is full of promises that He is with me

He is in control

He knows my heart

Little ones to Him belong

They are weak but He is strong

Yes I am a child of God

I am weak but through my weakness

through my fear

His glory is revealed

Through this weakness His strength will get me through

Jesus loves me

despite my fears-

despite my anxious spirit

This I know….


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Paige, that was beautiful. I think as women we should all share our hearts more. I love to talk about the new handbag or a great new pair of shoes probably more than most women, and there is a place for that. But sharing our hearts and trials and triumphs can do so much good when we share and someone listens. You shared, I listened. So ,I thank you. I am sorry to hear about your struggles this year. My mother has struggled with fear since my grandmother died. I know how it can affect your life. My struggles have had a little to do with fear this year. Fear about a situation I feel powerless to change and what the outcome will be. Its difficult sometimes when you are walking in the valley and can not see the sun. But I am waiting for it to shine on me! Bless you for sharing!

  3. Sweet Friend of Mine,
    In my head sings Amy Grant singing this hymn, "Jesus loves me". I sing that over you too. Knowing you as my kindred life long friend I forget that behind that amazing strength of yours is this amazinly tender soul. I pray for fear to go away from you and never come near. Okay, I am still learning how to share my quiet "This I know" with you. You know that, but thank you for your patience and helping me learn to be transparent is okay. You are this wonderful light! Know that this blog entry is a testimony to how you have grown in Christ and will be such an encouragement to others and well, it is to me too! xo friend.

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Paige. What a poignat reminder for all of us. I pray you continue to find strength and comfort. Cheers...tammy

  5. Paige! Truly beautiful! I am praying for you to keep hope and be strong through those tough moments. Lovely reminder for all of us. Thank you Paige...

  6. how beautiful...
    thank you for sharing so much of yourself...

    blessings to you and calmness to your fears...

    yes, He does love you!

  7. i am so glad he loves me through my fear. i often struggle because i think i have great faith - so why am i afraid? life can be so overwhelming. thanks for sharing your words and your beautiful page.

  8. Paige--that is such a gorgeous page!! ...and the journaling is beautiful....

  9. I love the simplicity of your page and the journaling surely touches home with me and reminds me that faith will get us through anything no matter how much fear is involved. Like you I feel that I grow and learn with every struggle. Some challenges are more difficult to get through than others, but no one said that life would be easy. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  10. Paige, thank you for sharing. I needed to read this. Blessings to you. Cammy


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