Friday, July 20, 2007


"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth"
3 john 1.4
I pray my girls choose to follow Christ not only because of how we raised them , but because they themselves desire a relationship with Jesus, a personal relationship.
This week I was honored to attend the funeral of a godly woman. A matriarch whose children have walked with the Lord. Whose grandchildren walk with the Lord.
She was 96 when she passed away.
She loved Jesus & she loved others.
Isn't that the greatest comandment?
I'm sure the angels greated her with a hug & called her "Suga" as she called her loved ones in the manner only a gracious southern woman can speak.
Her son is a tender man. He took care of my Savannah when she was a baby, in our church nursery. Every week, I mean every week we would come to pick her up & she would be safe in his sweet lap.
He is the husband to one of my most favorite sweet friends on the planet. My friend Katie has told me so many sweet precious stories of Gam...that's what they called her by the way. Her name was Mary Frances...isn't that gorgeous?!
Anyway, Katie is also one of those women who raised her daughter to walk with the Lord.
I pray I can be 1/2 , just 1/2 of what these women are.
Days like today, I feel I have already fallen so short.
Days like today I wish I could have a do-over.
Days like today I wonder what will they say about me...
Sweet Katie & Bob, I know you miss Gam. I wish I could have sat at her feet & learned from her. But I have you Katie..& I treasure every minute I get learning to walk with the Lord from YOU>

Yes, something about this pose I just love. Took this one at this last vacation....
& took this one , last year.
Every time I look at this I think she needs to be on a Kenny Chesney add!


  1. I truly wish you could see the great Mom in you that I see from the outside and see the character and smiles of your girls from the outside. So do-over's necessary. What a sweet tribute to your friend Katie, her family and GAM. Love the pictures.

  2. Your photos is just STUNNING!!!
    and so are your girls.

  3. It just seems like such an awesome responsibility to raise our kids to love God with all of their hearts and to truly want to serve Him. Every time I think about it, I get overwhelmed. I just think the fact that you're so aware of what you're doing with your kids and how you want them to turn out shows what a great Mom you are.

  4. I am sure your little ones will rise up to called you 'blessed'. Beach photos are stunning--exactly what i WISH my beach photos looked like :) Grace and peace.

  5. Lovely lovely pics~ What a beautiful family you have :)

  6. you are a lovely mother, which shows brilliantly in your darling childrens spirits that pop right out of your gorgeous photos! i'm telling you they are all beauties, but your littlest one has a quality from a bygone era, she is so captivating in a very grounded way.
    i've always wanted beach shots of our family, so you've inspired me to do so! xo

  7. Those pictures are so great. I dress my boys up in matching suits as well.


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