Thursday, May 17, 2007

What is lovely

So, cute Miss Rebecca tagged me.....ok~this will be fun!!
Thankfully instead of listing 5 weird things about myself she asked to list 5 things that make my day lovely!

#1~ A couple of wrens built a huge nest in our garage a few weeks ago~ & I do mean huge! Two days ago we heard the little chirpings of the babies....i love that!

#2~ Several days ago some of my best girlfriends took me to Watershed. Watershed is a fabulous restaurant that Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls created. It's housed in a converted gas station! I love the colors inside...very beachy.....blues & creams. The menu is wonderful! They also treated me to some sweet birthday gifts. I love those girls!
#3~ I am almost finished with my N.A. Noel wanna-be oil painting. She uses the most wonderful colors. Hopefully one day we will visit her studio, The Sanctuary. I love her work!

#4- We only have 44 more sleeps until we go to Seaside!! Our family has spent the last several summer vacations at Seaside. I am in love with this little town. White sand, clear blue turquoise water, picket fences, precious shops, wonderful food, great concerts & movies in the amphitheatre. I love this place!!

#5~ This book came in the mail today. Written by a friend of ours & full of wonderful words of wisdom. I love a good book!

Philippians 4:8

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


  1. Everything is just so great in all of this. Your appreciation for your friendships and the treasures they bring. You always make a gift seem like somenoe gave you a million dollars. A great gift that you offer back that just makes people feel good. I absolutely love your painting. After all of our talks about it, I had no idea that it was going to be that right on target with NA NOEL. So marshmello (my family's household word for proud) of you! And lastly, 44 more sleeps until Seaside. So very exciting. Hope your day is sunshine filled.

  2. Oops.... my spelling error that I just caught is SOMEONE not somenoe. Well, I guess it could be somenoe, but that would not make any sense ansd lead to

  3. Paige, I took you up on your suggestion to post a Gel Medium Transfer tutorial on my blog. I also included a link to your blog. Thanks!

  4. What a wonderful blog! I am so happy to have found it.
    That is one of my all time fovorite verses ~ so much so that I use an excerpt of it on my business cards and have it on my website.
    Take Care & God Bless,

  5. Just found your blog through a comment you left at The Cottage Nest. Your Noel "wannabe" is amazing. I live near Zionsville and The Sanctuary. I've not been yet, but have heard that it is amazing.


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