Friday, May 25, 2007

Strawberries once again

Thank goodness, we did it!
I have been draggin for days-fever, cough, headache, body aches, no energy, blah blah blah.
Maybe because Savannah had bronchitis two weeks ago. Maybe because I've been trying really hard to get my far-from-beachworthy self into the gym that i pay for monthly. Maybe because its the end of school & all us moms are wore out...who knows. But I have felt awful. Meanwhile my beloved berry patch is closing in a few more days & I had to get over there.
It was a glorious day-not a cloud in the sky & quite breezy and pleasant for May in Georgia.
We came home & made 2 1/2 dozen jars!!

4 gallons freshly picked strawberries $33
New ball jars, sugar, & sure jell $40
Spending the day with my favorite girls
& making enough jam to last through the year

Went today to my local Walgreens who has a clinic inside--who knew? Came away with a 3 day z-pack....hopefully on my road to recovery. Between that and knowing my freezer is stocked with my favorite treat, I think I am a happy girl.

Happy Memorial Day! This nation is blessed by all those who have fought for our freedom & the freedom in other countries too.


  1. Paige, Thanks for the info on the Walgreens clinic. My husband told me the other night that they are building one near us. I did go to a different clinic today and I must really have a super duper strain because he gave me a SIX day z-pack, an additional antibiotic and a penicillan shot! I am feeling a bit better now those.

  2. Oh and you are quite welcome regarding the tutorial. I enjoyed doing it. Bye the way, your girls look so darling with their straw hats and all. Sounds like you'll be busy canning now.

  3. yummy - strawberry jam! sounds divine. They aren't in season here for about another 2-3 weeks and we just chatted about our annual trip. Glad you liekd the blog post -- Jennifer did some huge originals adn the cherries was my favorite too
    chat soon and be well - hope you are feeling better
    xxoo Jen

  4. happy memorial day to you. hope you are feeling better!

  5. Those pictures are wonderful, Paige. Hope you get better...soon!

  6. How do I love strawberries and nothing better than picking them with the family and even better seeing your sweet photography of Caroline. Sweet pictures, sweet life!


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