Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leaving the nest

Chicadee nest
Originally uploaded by jody.z.

For several weeks now i have been so enchanted with the mr & mrs chickadee who have made their nest in a birdhouse on my porch. I love to watch them daily flutter in and sweet. Their little song has become familiar to me & I enjoy listening to their music all day long!
A few days ago i heard the chirping of their babies...loud chirping I might add!

Each night this week we have eaten our dinner outside on the porch near their nest. Mom & dad chirp away while we dine & I remind the girls not to make any loud noises to scare them away.

Well...last night as we were eating we heard a thump. There, just below the birdhouse, was one of the babies. He was laying on his little back. OH goodness....we all were so distressed-- do we touch him? is this normal? do we try to place him back in the nest? where were mom & dad? is he big enough to be out yet? After what seemed like an eternity, but in actuality was only about 5 minutes, he flipped himself upright & began singing. By this time the girls were all inside...teary might i add... & I am frantically calling any vet in the yellow pages trying to find someone who was open at this late hour & is familiar with birds.

I finally get sent to a wonderful kindhearted woman. I tell her the story, how we heard the mom & dad singing for days but tonight they were no where in sight. How he fell out and was just sort of jumping around , now in the pine straw area of our yard.
So she tells me--chickadees learn to fly from the ground. Unlike wrens & bluebirds which fly from the nest, these little guys actually drop out of their nest....who knew? She then tells me that mom & dad are probably out nearby under a shrub with the rest of the family waiting on this little guy & that he's doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. She tells me I can calm my girls, one of which is truly upset by this sweet is that?!
She also tells me it takes these little guys about 3-4 days before they can fly. By this time we can now hear mom & dads song. The late bloomer is chirping away. I decided to go ask my next door neighbors if they would kindly keep an eye on their indoor doggie as the little chickadee has now crossed the picket fence & is hopping around in their yard.

A happy ending for my family of animal lovers.
Whew...all that & then the tear-jerker Idol episode.
Needless to say, by bedtime I was completely emotionally wore out!

This morning I hear their happy song. What a blessing! I am in awe of God's creation. He is aware of every living creature.

Luke 12:6-8
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.


  1. Now that is a great story and true to the fact that human chickadees have to fall at times to only to realize that we can fly! I just loved that story. I love it that your family eats together and enjoys the great outdoors during dinner together! And yes, I made Anthony take me to get a salad because I could not stop tearing up over American Idol. I was bound and determined last night to board a plane and get the brother and sister that lost their parents and yet, if I did I could bring home a hundred that lost their parents and it still would not be enough! Glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who went to bed emotional. Have a great day friend and thank you for your sweet family stories. I hope it inspires others to have family time together!

  2. Oh what a dear story. We have had such tradegies in our backyard from time to time as well. So scarry.
    And yes, Idol was SO GREAT last night!

  3. i enjoyed this post so much...glad that the birdie is ok...what an emotional day...i felt so bad for jordan last night---what a cruel thing to do!

  4. oh paige...i meant to add to that ---i missed the whole first part of american idol. silly me. i am sure that the other part, the truly sad, devastating images and hungry children in the world is the sad part you were referring too. i will follow the link over to their site. my husband told me about is a wonderful thing though that so many are reaching out to help end this suffering. what a world wake up call.
    hugs, tricia
    p.s lovely bird nest photo also :)

  5. oh what a sweet birdie story! love your blog. blessings, rebecca

  6. dear paige,
    thank you for coming to visit me and especially for your lovely comment on my blog.
    I have come for a visit to you and I'm so glad that I did!
    what gorgeous little girls!
    & what a lovely post today.
    please come visit me any time!


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