Saturday, January 21, 2006

New Adventures in Blogland

my buddy kristin is always doing the totally coolest photo edits for me. she sent me this image the other day of the lamp post. me...always trying to take an image , add a photo of one of the girls + a scripture...i immediately thought of the psalms 119 verse......thy word is a lamp unto my feet & a light unto my path. maybe a stretch, but works for me.
Dan just left for another ball game...... the end is in sight! I am so thankful for his first year with Berkmar............ low stress. However, come January I am ready to see him more. The girls & I went to his game last night........ they lost to Parkview, of all teams!
Savannah is off with the Hills. She is definitely living the fun social life of a middleschooler, despite the fact the she thinks she has none at all!
Headed out for another Saturday night at work. Hate giving up all my Sat's but I seldom if ever miss anything of the girls & can't beat the $$.

Had lunch with Jodi the other day... she is so wise! Our wednesday morning bible study wonderful . I love just hanging with these girls & living life with them. They are my favorite folks to be with --outside of Dan & the girls.
I thank the Lord for each of them.
Prayer request for today=wisdom for Dan & I as he considers pursuing his specialist degree.
=just asking the Lord to surround the girls with His presence. I pray they each sense Him... whether its His protective hands, His love for them in their hearts if they feel lonely, His face shining upon them in pleasure. Especially little Emi.. she seems to be having the hardest time making new friends. She dearly misses Kristi. Couple of girls at school told her they think she hangs around them too much--whatever! Don't they know she is entirely sweet? The nerve.......... anyway.... maybe I should add a prayer for momma bear here!!
The sweetest thing........ knowing the Lord loves me & has blessed me with the perfect husband & four beautiful girls.
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1 comment:

  1. Great picture Paige! I wonder why you have never blogged again?


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